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Comair vs. ACA

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And by the way, some one named beechnut said we do not have trip and duty rigs. Comair contract section 3-4 par.c
1 for 2 day/ 4.20 min day/ 1 for 3.75 trip on a look back.

We have CD lines for those who wish to bid them. They average 185 hours of duty and pay 92 hours on average, with only about 30 to 40 hours of actual flying. If you are a commuter, you get a hotel (Holiday Inn) on the days you have to fly.

Our retirement is as follows.
401k/they match 50% of the first 5% you contribute

Also, we have a plan were the company makes annual contributions to each pilots retirement account. An amount that eguals:

5-9 YEARS 4%
10-14 6%
15-19 8%
20 + 10%

You are 100% vested after 5 years of service.
You just don't get it, do you????????HELLLLOOOOOOOOO, IS THERE ANY ONE IN THERE?????

The LGA flying should be done by Pilots who fly for Comair, ASA, or Delta. And when we get enough jets, it will be. And any other route on the Delta system. I work in the training dept. at Comair, and we simply cannot train enogh pilots and Delta cannot get enough jets fast enough right now, so we are using ACA and Skywest to fill the void in the mean time.
You just don't get it, do you????????HELLLLOOOOOOOOO, IS THERE ANY ONE IN THERE?????

yeah, i get it. I get the fact that if you really had "inside" info which you say that you have, you wouldnt be spouting off on an anonymous message board. Its a good theory you have. It would almost make sense and be credible if you had some crediblity and got your facts straight on a consistent basis. Im not saying what you say couldnt happen. Lots of things "could" happen including the demise of Delta itself. So far what you are saying is genuine crew room banter, also known as BS. Keep it up. I see it gains you alot of respect even in an anonymous environment. Perhaps you should get out on the line and see the "real" stories floating around instead of building FOM manuals. You would have a field day with all the rumors. I think it may even explode your brain... lol

do you really think Tom Moore and Kerry Skeen would put so much time and effort into something that will eventually become dust? Actions speak louder than words my friend. Our top brass along with Skywest top brass' actions speak WAY louder than some "guy in Comair training dept with 8 years at the company" spouting off on flightinfo.com.

if you cant get jets and train pilots fast enough, why are we able to hire at a faster pace and get jets at a rapid rate in order to fly for a company that is 99% bankrupt? Is it because we are so much cheaper than Comair? Is it because we are "sell-outs" on our last contract? Someone here doesnt get it. But i dont think its me..... But hey, if you wanna have your fun, you gotta do it somewhere. Be my guest bro.... I hope the people that tell you these stories are making you feel secure...

BTW, how did you live with yourself flying Delta routes before Delta bought Comair? Dude, you're funny...lol
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The Final Word.....

Well now isn't this fun. Anyway....

Captainv, getting back to your orginal question 'Comair vs. ACA'. The choice is quite clear; choose ACA.

However, I will provide no empirical evidence to back up my decision except this. By selecting ACA you'll never have to associate with AFELLOWAVIATOR on line, or in the training dept. ever. And that my friend is a very good thing. THANK YOU!
What I am saying is fact. Go on with your childess blaa blaa blaa all you want. ACA's days are limited. What a bunch of idiots.\

I will not respond to a bunch of morons any more. aca is a contract carrier. Not much future there. DELTA can opt out any time with a 90 day notice. Why do you think they have that clause in the contract?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I say FLY CARGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man i think those pax are gettin' to some of you people... Let it go, grandma didn't really mean you fly like crap, she was just upset that your F/A wouldn't give her another round!
Go to Comair, they will be around forever. ACA has a good contract, but they are a contract carrier for DAL and UA. What will happen if UA goes under? I don't know, but do you want to take the chance. DAL is in the best shape of any major. ASA and Comair are owned by DAL. We are the only part of the company that is making money. We are probably not going anywhere.
My take is take the one that calls first. I have been at ACA Since the middle of September and it is much better than where I was before and has a brite future. As far as fellow aviator goes what a D*ck. Get over it man! Nobody sold you out. I payed you striking FO more than I was making at the time as a DoJet FO at Skyway. You guys then wanted to give US Air Express Guys a leg up on hiring, and would not even look at you fellow ALPA brother that was shelling out your strike bennies. How F*ck up is that. So who sold who out who in that one. And another thing this thing about indepentent airlines, was ComAIR not one prior to becomming Deltas little toy. And you better believe that when the price is right they will spin you off just like Coex, and Pinnical and like Eagle is looking like. They will just use you as cash to make the books look better. And you better not come crying to me when it contract time again. Cause you don't deserve it. I have a lot of friend that are out of a job or making dirt at Skyway. and they all helped you out. I don't see you pushing for better money for them. And the rest of you all, trust me when I say fellowaviator is not the norm and Comair I have a few friends there and they are all stand up guys. I sat back long enough and listen to this crap, I just had to get that off my chest. Good luck either on is a great place to be. And fly safe everyone!
What I am saying is fact. Go on with your childess blaa blaa blaa all you want. ACA's days are limited. What a bunch of idiots.\

lol.. someone getting a bit frustrated? What you are saying is a proposal posted on an ALPA message board that sparked the interest of the MEC. VERY FAR from fact. I guess you have to get your crew room BS somewhere if you're not flying the line.

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