Geeeez, is this the major airline forum?? I remember these cockpit conversations while watching CMR take mainline flying out of CVG. I guess that was "OK" because it was going to "feed the hub" and "help grow mainline." Perhaps a little "build new routes for mainline to takeover." CMR always wanted to be a major so now it's time to swim in the deep water. I firmly believe the DAL will look to outsource CMR flying to the lowest bidder. Perhaps CHQ will build future CMR routes? DAL may even spinoff CMR/ASA. The CASM is very high on 50 seaters w/ $40 oil and cheap fares. Lets not forget Mesa, Trans States, Great Lakes would love a little growth at CMR expense. Heck, those Rjs in STL (American Connection) were supposed to be delivered to Eagle. AMR leased them to Trans States. The only RJP's left will be those w/ the cheapest contracts. If DAL goes into BK, you can bet they'll 1113 CMR/ASA to or below Trans States/Mesa.