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Bush Resignation Hailed By World Leaders

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I too read "The Nation" (according to Sun Tzu, one must know one's enemies...) but I missed the article by Schell stating that we must surrender to the terrorists (wonder if he is French?). I tried the website but couldn't get to the article - any chance you could post the latest in liberal thought?
"Offense is exciting, defense is not." If ever there was a case for the phrase "The best defense is a good offense, this is it." There are too many targets here to defend: nuke power plants, water supplies, aviation - and even if all of them were guarded extremely tightly we would see what happens in Israel - terrorists simply walking into shopping malls, buses, etc and explode bomb after bomb after bomb after bomb...... What we need is for the CIA and Special Forces to be given a blank check and a no holds barred hunting license.
enigma said:
Typhoon, do you really hate these threads, or do you just hate that people don't agree with you?
Yeah, and I'm the only one here who thinks that way. Nobody else here is pointing fingers and calling people names. Just me.

But you're right...I get sucked in too easily. Like seeing a car wreck on TV.
If you really hate these threads, I would suggest that you just refuse to perpetuate them.
You have an excellent point. I'll cease and desist.

Regards (which we all know you don't mean),
Typhoon1244 said:
Didn't happen. All we got was Tom Ridge and his duct tape.
Actually, it's a shame Ridge and his group got bad press on this suggestion. It's right on when dealing with a lethal gas or other airborne threat. I've worked around lethal and carcinogenic stuff for the last 15-16 yrs. It was good advice - *if* you knew it was out there or coming your way.

Now - the better question might be, why did the gub'ment allow them into the country in the first place?! I know the answer, but most 'mericans "can't handle the truth!"

In case you have a hard time discerning the bad guys, they are Muslim Terrorists... they were the ones that killed over 2,500 Americans on September 11, 2001.
Let's not forget other threats to our soverignty and security, including:

Communist China (same ones who forced down our EP-3 and held it's crew hostage for ~24 days, has threatened to nuke LA, steals/buys our nuke secrets, carry out electronic espionage, etc, etc), North Korea, Lybia, Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, AND the United Nations.
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Let’s try again.... Some people are without a moral sense. For example, if it were not illegal or specifically forbidden by my religion, I still would not kill those weaker than me for money. I would feel bad about it. Bush, Clinton, Sadam and all these other politicians are devoid of such a sense. There moral senses are provided through law and religion, and thank goodness for that. These people would come kill you right now if it was a net gain. Religion and law insure it is not. These people value money and power above all else. It is not about Republicans vs. Democrats. It is not about Arabs and terrorists vs. the good ol USA. It is about the rich vs. the poor. You do not know your enemies. Your enemy is George Bush, Bill Clinton, Sadam Husain and all those that blindly follow along. Violence keeps these people in power. Fear gives them what they want. Turn off your TV. Turn off your clear channel radio. Stop buying from the system.
OK, if Bush, Clinton, and Saddam are my enemies, tell me who my allies are? (I am guessing you are going to say Karl Marx and the masses of the Proletariat....)
Foobar said:
It is about the rich vs. the poor.

That's some good class warfare rhetoric!!

Just for the sake of discussion... why are the "rich" against the "poor"? If I were "rich" (may be depending on who's subjective def you prescribe to), I would not want to hold the "poor" down. A more wealthy "poor" class can buy more TV's, subscribe to broadband Internet svc, purchase more nice homes and cars, etc. As a "rich" person who may manufacture and sell these items, having more prospective customers is the way to build wealth, not by holding people down.

Also, the "rich" should want to keep the "poor" happy so they won't want to riot or bring about a revolution and overthrow the system.

On the other hand, entitlements are used as a tool to appease the "poor". They're also a very effective means to keep the "poor" down. Who supports broad entitlements?! another debate...

Rich and poor are subjective terms. They are also required when people have varying amounts of wealth. In a free, capitalistic society someone has to be rich and someone has to be poor. Otherwise, you'd have a system approaching communism.

The logic that the "rich" want to hold the poor down to keep them away from their money is just screwey - unless you're not a supporter of capitalism.

You do not know your enemies. Your enemy is George Bush, Bill Clinton, Sadam Husain and all those that blindly follow along.
I agree. Question and challenge authority. Individualism and personal liberty is the only safe path for a free society to stay free.

Violence keeps these people in power.
You really believe Bush stays in power with violence?! Oooooo-K

As for slick willy, you might ask Vince Foster and 50-something other associates of his who died of suspicious reasons if they think violence kept/keeps him in power.

Turn off your clear channel radio.
So we shouldn't hear all sides of the story?
Stop buying from the system.
what's the system? :eek: :confused:
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I'm just trying to help you guys...

Yes Bush is in power through violence. If only the threat of violence. Its not just Bush, it’s whoever is sitting on the thrown. If I don't pay my taxes I'll go to jail. If I refuse to go to jail I'll be tracked down by the police. If I don't cooperate then yes the police will use violence. The whole system is based on violence. A failure to comply will result in violence. We are ruled by men whose only method of control is violence.

If you want to end it all stop consuming. Corporations and the rich buy the government that keeps them rich. If you stop buying then the corporations will die. Turn off your TV. Stop consuming. You can’t fight them. They’ve got more guns. All you can do is stop listening and stop sending them cash. Don’t join their armies. Refuse to die for them. Ride your bike. Kill your television. Shop at locally owned businesses. What if tomorrow nobody bought cigarettes? What if nobody bought a whopper and fries. They need your money to kill you.

I'm not nuts, I just see it how it is.

You have really bought into this class warfare crap... rich vs poor, etc. What a load of crap. You live in a country where anyone can become rich if they work hard and make good decisions.

You also live in a country where you can lose wealth and become poor by making bad choices and ignoring education. I beleive people accumulate wealth by working hard and making good decisions, and become poor by being lazy and making bad choices. I would guess you are closer to poor (because you are in denial that your situation is the sum total of YOUR decisions).

It is demeaning to others to believe otherwise.... its the same as saying "you are weak and stupid and must be protected. I am smart and strong so count on me(government)." Isn't that just the system you accuse corporations of taking advantage of?

You can move to Cuba, China or Vietnam. I think those are the only communist countries left. You will have to move fast though. They are moving very close to becoming capitalist.
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