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Bush Resignation Hailed By World Leaders

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I got one
Dont shoot "I'm Liberal" (Substitute the word Frence for liberal works either way. Both words French and liberal mean the same thing, and this word is something that only females posses, starts with p and ends in y.

Conservatives are not bringing up Clnton for any old reason. The reason why is because you liberals are blaming bush for doing poorly on the war on terror, yet he is having to mop up for clintons attrocious response to three different al'queda attacks during his presidency

1. 1993 world trade center bombings
2. Bombing of Military base in 1995 in Sudan
3. 1998 Bombing of the U.S. Cole

What did Clinton do??


That is why Clinton must be brought up.

By the way enjoy Bush for the next five years because he will not be going anywhere. The Democratic party is completly devoid of any real canadiates, and the party has no new messages that any of the public in the U.S. care about.
...so's his skull.

Thank you for proving my point about the liberal skill for discourse.

Where's your Masters from Harvard, by the way?

By the way, anyone who keeps insisting that Clinton lied only about blowjobs is so divorced from reality that I'm afraid they cannot find their way back until truth is more important to them than their preciously held preconceptions. I suppose you receive the same intelligence briefings every day that the president does.

It's sad to see a near-religious zealotry masquerading as a reasoned opinion.

I would pity you if I was a nicer person. Instead, good luck on finding your way back to the light. You'll need it.
Seriously, Alaskan Leftwinger, I have given it some thought. After reading some of your other posts I have decided we cannot be friends. You need to leave immediately.

I never wanted to be your friend in the first place. And fuk you for telling me that I need to leave. This is just the kind of crap I'm talking about. The atitude that "you don't think like me and you need to leave" You liars boast freedom for all but when someone starts pushing your buttons or disagrees with you, watch out!

Think about it, liberals brought us Korea, they brought us Vietnam, they coddled Iran when they took our embassy hostage, they tucked tail and ran from Somalia and hid out at Camp David when Osama was offered up.

Have we forgotten about Watergate? Iran Contra? Reganomics?

Gore could have been president on 9/11/03

Don't even get me started, you idiots can't stick to the facts as it is. You have to resort to speculating on what might have happened? We'll never know what Gore would have done so shut your trap.

You damm consertives can't see past 5 inches in front of your face. Hail bush you say, he has the balls to go after the terrorists. Mabye, but he really didn't have a choice in the immediate aftermath when everybody was saying go after them. Yes, the trade center was bombed in '93 BUT, they didn't fall, thousands weren't killed and the country wan't so moved by that incident like they were 2 years ago. People thought about it for 2 days after the boming and wen't back to their lives. Didn't you know that the average American's attention span isn't that good on events that don't entirely pertain to them? That's why nothing was done in '93. A mistake? We'll never know.

And you people STILL attack clinton. Try and find some praise for your fool of a leader who has no military service, (reserves, guard whatever and faking a landing on a carrier doesn't count) instead of blaming someone who hasn't been in office for 3 years.

As for the deaths in Iraq? More people have been murdered in the same time period in Washington DC as have died in Iraq.

Why don't you tell that to the families of those soldiers you inconsiderate bastard.
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Blind to Reality Member

Buffoonery. Plain and simple. You're too easy of a target.
Does anybody really think our actions in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to rid the world of terrorism? Slow it down? There are millions of young Islamic males who are watching us trying to impose our will on the Middle East. All we're doing is pissing them off, creating future problems. Ridding the region of 100 terrorists will spawn 1000 more.

I say the solution to the problem is to stay out of the region, including Israel. Terrorists are like the runt of a kid who gets clever one day and kicks the bully in the nuts. If there's no bully, he won't be kicked. The runt has no other options at his disposal. He can't fight fairly for he is not strong enough.

I despise terrorism as much as anyone but I am educated and open minded enough to understand the reasons behind it. We must ask ourselves, what is the goal? Is it to get rid of terrorism or to gain revenge? When the bully openly goes after the runt, all the other kids in the schoolyard band together and get angry.

The Israelis have been fighting terrorism for fifty years with an incredibly efficient military, intelligence service, and western support. Has it slowed down??? Have they achieved their goal?? No, they have created generations of militants willing to give their lives for revenge.

I am not anti-Israel. I just want to see the terrorism end and know that it can't be achieved through military force. Put yourself in their shoes. If a Muslim nation like Iraq had a stronger military than us and decided to impose their values and station troops here to kill our leaders, do you not think we would take up arms and terrorize?
Being passive really worked well for the French in WWII. We were attacked, thousands died. They will not stop trying to kill Americans, they believe it is their religious obligation to do so. Wake the F up.
For all of the liberals PLEASE READ A BOOK
It's all easy for me to understand - liberals/members of the democRAT party are:

1. more interested in personal feelings than substance

2. arrogant, believing they're smarter than all others alive and dead (founding fathers of this country specifically)

3. more interested in how their friends will perceive them (just like grade school peer pressure, driving the Bush hate, radical enviro bull$hit, class warfare, etc.)

4. not aware of the workings of capitalism and how it compliments human nature

5. not logic oriented

6. would sell out the very country that has provided the the freedom to be stupid morons, rather than fight to preserve our language, borders and culture,


7. either self-serving trial lawyers, racist activists or communists.

Lastly - those of you who so proudly call yourselves moderates. You're just someone who has no convictions. Bummer.

SOMETHING ELSE... ref 2 above, misguided peaceniks.

You folks who think we're so wrong to be fighting in Afg and Iraq; how simple you are. This is a brilliant plan for several reasons. Even if Iraq was or was not involved with OBL, we've taken the fight to their continent. These fights have become a magnet for the Religion of Peace, sending their ministers of anarchy and death to fight our soldiers on their dirt! Perfect!!! Would you rather we continue our piecemeal surveillance and apprehention of the members of the Religion of Peace here, while occasionally allowing them to make successful hits on American targets?!?!

Fight them on their doorstep - brilliant!
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100LL... Again! said:
Thank you for proving my point about the liberal skill for discourse.
No problem. While we're at it, thank you for demonstrating the right wing's near total lack of a sense of humor...or the ability to quote someone completely and in context.
Where's your Masters from Harvard, by the way?
My dad couldn't afford to buy me one.
It's sad to see a near-religious zealotry masquerading as a reasoned opinion.
You can't see it but I'm holding a mirror up to you right now. How can you possibly make a comment like that after all the garbage you've posted here? Being a soft-spoken ultra-conservative doesn't change the fact that you're an ultra-conservative.

And speaking of "near-religious zealotry," as long as W. continues to be incapable of opening his mouth without some portion or a Sunday school lesson coming out, you can keep these kinds of accusations to yourself.

One more thing...about draft-dodging: yes, Clinton dodged the draft. So did my father (by becoming an airline pilot in 1966). So did Dan Quayle and, yes, George W. Bush. I actually saw a thread on this forum where someone was defending W. by pointing out that the F-102 was one tough airplane to fly and he deserved a lot of credit for it. I'm sure that just impresses the hell out of McCain and Kerry.
I would pity you if I was a nicer person. Instead, good luck on finding your way back to the light. You'll need it.
Well, I am a nice person and I do pity you. It took me thirteen years of voting to realize that very few Deomcrats or Republicans are worth my vote. I'm sorry you haven't reached that point of maturity yet. I'll tell you one thing you may feel free to ridicule me for: I did not vote in the last presidential election. (And no, I don't live in Florida.) It depressed me that I simply had no one to vote for. Neither Bush nor Gore would have been an effective president in this post-9/11 era. The only difference is that Gore didn't get a chance to prove it. I should've taken a stand one way or the other, but I didn't. It was a mistake.

Mark my words: some day you'll realize that marching in lockstep behind either major American political party...or for that matter, any president...is stupid and wasteful.

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