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Bush Resignation Hailed By World Leaders

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You do-do heads don't get it. Its about the rich versus the poor. Rich democrats and rich republicans will gladly take your life for a few more dollars. The rich Arabs get the poor Arabs to Attack the the Europeans. The rich Europeans (AKA Bush, Clinton, Enron, Exxon) hire the poor Europeans to go kill the Arabs.

In the end its the common guy in the army that gets it. Its a stupid game and we are tools for the rich. Do you really think the average Joe in Iraq cares to craps about the USA? No, but the rich leaders over there (AKA Sadam) get them to go kill on their behalf. And do I care two craps about any Arabs? NO NO NO and I'll be darned if you can convince me to go kill on behalf of the rich over here.

How many senators sons go kill for the USA? Bush was a draft doger, Clinton was, they all are. Do you think Bush would go fight for Freedom? Do you think he'd send his son? Neither would any democrat.

You people need to listen to Rage against the machine. They've got it all figured out.
Typhoon1244 said:
No problem. While we're at it, thank you for demonstrating the right wing's near total lack of a sense of humor
see my item 1 above.

Being a soft-spoken ultra-conservative doesn't change the fact that you're an ultra-conservative.
Why can't libs operate without categorizing people?

One more thing...about draft-dodging: yes, Clinton dodged the draft. So did my father (by becoming an airline pilot in 1966).

So did Dan Quayle and, yes, George W. Bush.
How can you, with a straight face compare Clinton with Quayle or Bush's mil svc?! You're really loosing credibility, but then again, over the last 10 yrs or so the libs have made outright lying a standard practice hoping some or most will just believe the lie.

I actually saw a thread on this forum where someone was defending W. by pointing out that the F-102 was one tough airplane to fly and he deserved a lot of credit for it. I'm sure that just impresses the hell out of McCain and Kerry.
Hey, that was me. But - you misquoted me. I said it took guts because they had a pretty high accident/fatality rate. Probably more dangerous to fly than that bus your dad flew.

I'm sorry you haven't reached that point of maturity yet.
ding, ding, ding... there it is!!! Why don't we all just grow up!!! How about the next one - we're just a bunch of racists nazis!!

I'll tell you one thing you may feel free to ridicule me for: I did not vote in the last presidential election.
Disgusting. Apathetic. Hundreds of thousands of honorable men died fighting to assure you kept that God given right, and you thumbed your nose at it. Shame on you.

It depressed me that I simply had no one to vote for. Neither Bush nor Gore would have been an effective president in this post-9/11 era. The only difference is that Gore didn't get a chance to prove it. I should've taken a stand one way or the other, but I didn't. It was a mistake.
Guess you should have voted for Nader.

Mark my words: some day you'll realize that marching in lockstep behind either major American political party...or for that matter, any president...is stupid and wasteful. [/B]
Yea, just as stupid as voting for Perot and letting that traitorous Clinton into the White House...
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flywithastick said:
[The F-102] had a pretty high accident/fatality rate. Probably more dangerous to fly than that bus your dad flew.
You're probably right. Same manufacturer (Convair 440) but much less explosive.

I should point out, by the way, that dad was in AFROTC but was told he'd never fly in the Air Force as long as he wore glasses. When Braniff turned him down, he applied for Army WOFT but got picked up by Eastern before the paperwork was done. Did he set out to avoid the draft? No. He just wanted to fly, even if that meant flying UH-1's in southeast Asia. It's all about the timing.

Now, having said that, would you guys give us a break about Quayle's and Bush's "military service." Be serious!

Jeez! I hate these threads! Does anyone really think any of this is changing anyone's mind? Flywithastick, you can twist the truth all you want, reshape it into something you're comfortable with...it doesn't change anything.

I submit that this horse is dead. Can we all go back to arguing about the RJDC now?
Typhoon1244 said:
You're probably right. Same manufacturer (Convair 440) but much less explosive.

I should point out, by the way, that dad was in AFROTC but was told he'd never fly in the Air Force as long as he wore glasses.
Interesting. Same boat for me. No 20/20, no fly.

Now, having said that, would you guys give us a break about Quayle's and Bush's "military service." Be serious!
The only ones with reasonable experience would be McCain, Tom Ridge, and maybe Powel, IMO. Even Algore was writing for some newspaper when he was in the service. Kerry has no respect from me in that he has prostituted his service history. In my experience, (honorable) veterans do not speak of their experiences unless asked. And then sometimes still not..

Jeez! I hate these threads! Does anyone really think any of this is changing anyone's mind? Flywithastick, you can twist the truth all you want, reshape it into something you're comfortable with...it doesn't change anything.
Someone may be convinced of the negatives of liberalism. The consequences are high. The future of our freedoms and way of life are truly threatened by political correctness, liberalism/communism and the Religion of Peace. Ignorance is bliss, but I guess I care about what country will be left for my kids if everything good is sold, given or taken by the bad guys.
I love this stuff! :D

Foobar ... I think you really hit the nail on the head. Both parties are equally corrupt and morally bankrupt. That's why I joined the Democratic Socialist Party! :D

100LL ... are you mellowing on us, bro? :D

(Proud American Veteran and Equally Proud Socialist)
flywithastick said:
...I care about what country will be left for my kids if everything good is sold, given or taken by the bad guys.
I care too, we just can't agree on who the bad guys are!

It terrifies me that the same men who let the terrorists attack are still in control. When Mohammed Atta (and I really don't give a damm if I spelled his name wrong, so forget it) got his visa renewed after the attack, I thought "now we're going to see W. get off his butt and fire somebody...chop off the dead wood and install some leaders at CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., who know what they're doing!"

Didn't happen. All we got was Tom Ridge and his duct tape.

So yeah, I'm scared for my kids future because my government is more interested in settling grudges (Hussein) than in defending this country against terrorism.

This is a great nation, but the management stinks.

In case you have a hard time discerning the bad guys, they are Muslim Terrorists... they were the ones that killed over 2,500 Americans on September 11, 2001. It is that simple, now are job is to find them and kill their leadership and destroy their means of support. We have found and fixed a bunch of them in IRAQ who are migrating to fight us there, let them come. The US military will gladly assist them in meeting Allah.

On another note:

Along the lines of liberals being despot loving surrender monkeys, the first liberal has called for outright surrender to terrorists. Jonathan Schell stated we should surrender to the terrorists in The Nation this week, just wait for the rest of the Democrats to adopt this policy, but not state it outright.
Typhoon1244 said:
...It terrifies me that the same men who let the terrorists attack are still in control. When Mohammed Atta (and I really don't give a damm if I spelled his name wrong, so forget it) got his visa renewed after the attack, I thought "now we're going to see W. get off his butt and fire somebody...chop off the dead wood and install some leaders at CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., who know what they're doing!"

A-hah!! I knew there was some common sense in you. You hit the nail mostly on center. You crave leadership. You crave effective government (which is NEVER bigger). The problem is that the "leader" of our government is still beholden to an ever-expanding federal beurocracy. Many of the problems that plague our nation are the direct result of this monstrous system of administration.

We all crave an effective leader, but half of the people in this country are the recipients of the bloated beurocracy, hence why it can't be dismantled. Half of the people here would immediately vote for the guy who will maintain or grow the beaurocracy that allows them to skate through life.

In the defense of Dubya (I would defend Clinton too), the problem with the INS, CIA, FBI, what-have-you is that the mistakes made were in the rank and file among these organizations. The problem lies in that federal employees CAN NOT be fired. How do you improve a system where people who make mistakes can't be punished?

I'm tired of typing.

P.S. My father was dirt-poor. He managed to find a spot in the guard when his draft number was about to come up. Nobody in their right mind would have wanted to be an infantry conscript in that big sh!t-@ss mess. Thank you so much LBJ.

P.P.S Snakum you are a proud member of a group that IS the cancer in our nation that must be cut out.
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Typhoon1244 said:

Jeez! I hate these threads! Does anyone really think any of this is changing anyone's mind?

Typhoon, do you really hate these threads, or do you just hate that people don't agree with you? I just looked and you have posted six times on the second page of the thread alone.

If you really hate these threads, I would suggest that you just refuse to perpetuate them.

Something to think about.

For me, I don't really mind these threads. Neither do I get too excited about them any more. It's usually the same people arguing and they've already all heard my take on the subjects.

bart said:
Typhoon, in case you have a hard time discerning the bad guys, they are Muslim Terrorists...they were the ones that killed over 2,500 Americans on September 11, 2001. It is that simple...
Uh yeah, McFly, that was my point. Thank you for emphasizing it.

I don't blame Bush for 9/11. Unlike most of you, I don't blame Clinton, either. I blame the people who attacked us. It's difficult to maintain a satisfying level of anger, though, at an enemy who kills themselves as a consequence of the attack.

My problem is that W. is fighting a war on terrorism with his guard down. He's swinging away and connecting very well overseas, but he's done almost nothing here to guard against the next attack...unless al Quaeda was planning on going after us with nail clippers, in which case we're ready.

Offense is sexy and exciting. Defense is not...but they're both vital, and this administration hasn't figured that out yet. I hope it doesn't take the loss of another 3,000 people to drive that lesson home.

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