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binding arbitration for Delta

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Sure champ!! The two sides worked together to get this TA ratified and you cant stand that your Union Bashing just doesnt hold water in this situation. Are you nervous the two sides might have worked together to tighten up section 1 without your "approval"? Get back to me on that,...:cool:

You didn't do anything with section 1.....

Reading the ALPA boards....it doesn't sound like the Delta folks are too happy about the TA...

Furloughs are coming....This list integration with furloughs is going to be ugly....

The chickens keep coming home to roost....
You didn't do anything with section 1.....

Reading the ALPA boards....it doesn't sound like the Delta folks are too happy about the TA...

Furloughs are coming....This list integration with furloughs is going to be ugly....

The chickens keep coming home to roost....

Do tell where you saw the actual TA?:cool: or is this another one of your baseless assumptions? Its so cute how you worry about us but please go use your "crystal ball" for something useful and worry about yourself. Thanks bud :cool:
So nobody disagrees with me. Interesting.

How about double or nothing. Anyone want to bet that there will not be furloughs? Taking it a step further, which work group will bear the brunt of the furloughs?
So nobody disagrees with me. Interesting.

How about double or nothing. Anyone want to bet that there will not be furloughs? Taking it a step further, which work group will bear the brunt of the furloughs?

You have a point! Not placing that bet. You have unfair odds!:smash:
You made your choice to stay where you are at. being at a regional will always mean you are a Contract thus you arent in the mix. If you think its a problem you could have always moved on and been part of the "solution" but instead you choose to just complain about the injustices you face on via FI. Now carry on with you Union bashing were waiting.:cool:

If THAT'S your view of us regional pilots, then don't come looking for left seats at our airlines when the furloughs happen.

Just like you said, "You made your choice to stay where you are at" , I say to you, "You made your choice to move on to where you are at."
If THAT'S your view of us regional pilots, then don't come looking for left seats at our airlines when the furloughs happen.

Just like you said, "You made your choice to stay where you are at" , I say to you, "You made your choice to move on to where you are at."
Sorry....the Compass flowback provisions made the cut in the new TA and will remain. Thanks for your concern....
Ok Joe...I'll Bite....

and WHY should THEY even be at THAT table??? inquiring minds and all....

I'll bite too.... the fact that some regional carriers [Compass and Mesaba] have flowthrough and flowback agreements, and that affects them with the new mega "DELTA." At the very least, Compass and Mesaba should have been invited to that table.
Yes, DTW320 pilot, see above post.
Hey, just responding to your unenforcable threat of denying your left seat to NWA/DAL furloughees. Unfortunate or not, you don't get to make those decisions, or at least the Compass pilots don't....you can negotiate whatever prohibitions you can at your regional. Remember also, every Compass pilot that signed up knew the deal with the flowback provisions because they existed from day 1.
Hey, just responding to your unenforcable threat of denying your left seat to NWA/DAL furloughees. Unfortunate or not, you don't get to make those decisions, or at least the Compass pilots don't....you can negotiate whatever prohibitions you can at your regional. Remember also, every Compass pilot that signed up knew the deal with the flowback provisions because they existed from day 1.

I'm at Pinnacle, not Compass. I still think CP and XJ should have been there, because of the flowthrough/flowback issues.

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