first three attempts= no joy..... Why the hell don't we pick it up on the 4th call-
FEMALE controller: Aero Mexico 232 for the 4th and last time, I need to cross XYZ at 10,000
still nothing....
FEMALE controller: Aero Mexico 232, are you or aren't you going to be able to make this crossing restriction?
Aero Mexico 232: ( in deep mexicano accent) "Ahh maaamm, sometimes a we doa and ahhh sometimesa we don't"
3 5 0
FEMALE controller: Aero Mexico 232 for the 4th and last time, I need to cross XYZ at 10,000
still nothing....
FEMALE controller: Aero Mexico 232, are you or aren't you going to be able to make this crossing restriction?
Aero Mexico 232: ( in deep mexicano accent) "Ahh maaamm, sometimes a we doa and ahhh sometimesa we don't"
3 5 0