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Not yet but SkyWest is really close!! All alpa has done is caused friction when there was none, or very little before. I would rather see something like what the Southwest pilots have (swapa). And im sure SkyWest would too. Just not ALPA...... There just not fighting for the right things now..
I agree. I'd rather have something like swapa, but right now it looks like alpa is our only choice
Not yet but SkyWest is really close!! All alpa has done is caused friction when there was none, or very little before. I would rather see something like what the Southwest pilots have (swapa). And im sure SkyWest would too. Just not ALPA...... There just not fighting for the right things now..

That was tried in 2004. Sapa/management ran their "unions are evil" dog and pony show on that one too. It was a good idea on paper but lacked enough funds to present its case even with alot of pilot donations. It was going to have funding problems in the future as well. Even with much higher dues than Alpa charges it was going to be underfunded. Skywest pilots simply dont make what Southwest pilots make. Once again, good idea on paper though and glad we at least took a shot at it.
Inhouse union is management/SAPA's way of killing the drive: Let's certify SAPA. Then when it looked like it was happening they started pulling back...no we didn't mean this SAPA, no you can't use the name SAPA.

Smoke and mirrors...
you missed the whole point. i have been at skyw a long while and i know many of the pro-union guys. Many I have flown with and many have this chip on their shoulder who feel the world is out to get them. They are the ones who like to stir the mud. Many know what kind of pilots they are and fear the FAA. Instead of changing their practices, they continue to do the stupid things they do. Either busting FARs or pissing off people in management. You must remember, we are the employee. Whatever happened to being a good one. If skyw screwed us as much as the few think, then go elsewhere, They will then see what it is that they had. I was at somewhere before skyw and think this place is not the hell hole the "world must revolve around me" type think it is. So your comment about 'if the vote fails' is so not the point. But i do like your avatar.

So the only reason anyone wants ALPA is because they are "busting FARS or pissing off people in management"? Rigghhhhtt...you seem to be well informed/NOT! Some of us like to know that our careers can't be flushed down the toilet for any number of reasons, without at least having someone who has our back(hint, SAPA doesn't)!!!
Just because you haven't been in anyones crosshairs, people can make mistakes,and I know I'm not perfect... I know many that have been terminated over little things that were trumped up, and or made innocent mistakes and were still thrown under the bus!
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So the only reason anyone wants ALPA is because they are "busting FARS or pissing off people in management"? Rigghhhhtt...you seem to be well informed/NOT! Some of us like to know that our careers can't be flushed down the toilet for any number of reasons, without at least having someone who has our back(hint, SAPA doesn't)!!!
Just because you haven't been in anyones crosshairs, people can make mistakes,and I know I'm not perfect... I know many that have been terminated over little things that were trumped up, and or made innocent mistakes and were still thrown under the bus!

Not just that...What happens when the other guy in the cockpit makes a mistake that you didn't know about. If your the Captain it's your ticket.
That was tried in 2004. Sapa/management ran their "unions are evil" dog and pony show on that one too. It was a good idea on paper but lacked enough funds to present its case even with alot of pilot donations. It was going to have funding problems in the future as well. Even with much higher dues than Alpa charges it was going to be underfunded. Skywest pilots simply dont make what Southwest pilots make. Once again, good idea on paper though and glad we at least took a shot at it.

EXACTLY!!!! But hey...if you don't vote in a union....GOOD LUCK! Because Jerry is a comin and you won't even see the headlights of the truck he is driving!:laugh:

you missed the whole point. i have been at skyw a long while and i know many of the pro-union guys. Many I have flown with and many have this chip on their shoulder who feel the world is out to get them. They are the ones who like to stir the mud. Many know what kind of pilots they are and fear the FAA. Instead of changing their practices, they continue to do the stupid things they do. Either busting FARs or pissing off people in management. You must remember, we are the employee. Whatever happened to being a good one. If skyw screwed us as much as the few think, then go elsewhere, They will then see what it is that they had. I was at somewhere before skyw and think this place is not the hell hole the "world must revolve around me" type think it is. So your comment about 'if the vote fails' is so not the point. But i do like your avatar.

I believe in being a good employee and a professional pilot. I also advocate pay/treatment that is commensurate with a good employee and professional pilot. It was your co-worker, and a check airman/sim instructor who wrote this:

From CFIT: "It will be funny watching all those with ALPA stickers on their flight case peeling them off because management sees them as a target."
I believe in being a good employee and a professional pilot. I also advocate pay/treatment that is commensurate with a good employee and professional pilot. It was your co-worker, and a check airman/sim instructor who wrote this:

From CFIT: "It will be funny watching all those with ALPA stickers on their flight case peeling them off because management sees them as a target."

CFIT is also a sapa guy:(
My brother in law was one of the lawyers on the buy deal and he has filled me in a few of the tid bits.

I see, so you're admitting that your brother-in-law violated the confidentiality agreement he executed. That should make for a nice lawsuit. Way to go!

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