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ASA parking planes???

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Skywest/ASA must do 80% of the DCI flying in ATL, that is by number of seats, not aircraft. What do you think will happen to ASA if UAL reduces Skywest's flying?

MCO ops are being significantly reduced this fall, however some intra-Florida routes will remain. ASA originally took 4 200s to do this flying. The ATRs may, and I emphasize may go away as of Dec 2, 2008. DAL outright owns 4 airframes, leases the other 8.

Also, keep in mind that ASA stopped hiring before many other carriers, including Skywest, Comair, Eagle, Mesa, and PSA.

I think ASA's furlough possibility will greatly depend on who absorbs Expressjet's LAX and SLC ops. Many of those routes will reduce frequencies, others will just go away.
That may be true, but it is not JB's decision. How many times have they (including JB) said the airplane is going away before? Especially now with fuel and cost savings initiatives, nothing is final.
The title of this thread is a huge discredit to ASACRJFlyer. You should register the user name Drama Mama.

Like I said in the first post, I'm not a chicken little type or a "Drama Mama" (must admit, that made me laugh), I was just curious if someone knew something the rest of us didn't. 95% of What you read on FI or APC is gossip and speculation but every once in a while, there are some worthwhile posts that can contain valid information. An example would be the sale of ASA to SkyWest, everyone thought that was crap when it was first posted, yet, here we are a SkyWest owned company.

I personally give f.......'s and downgrades a 50/50 chance. I'm ready either way because if we downgrade, I'll be back to some kickin' schedules with weekends off, and if we don't, the money's a LITTLE better and I'm building that PIC time that may be worth something again someday. Gotta stay positive in times like these...:beer:
Skywest/ASA must do 80% of the DCI flying in ATL, that is by number of seats, not aircraft. What do you think will happen to ASA if UAL reduces Skywest's flying?

MCO ops are being significantly reduced this fall, however some intra-Florida routes will remain. ASA originally took 4 200s to do this flying. The ATRs may, and I emphasize may go away as of Dec 2, 2008. DAL outright owns 4 airframes, leases the other 8.

Also, keep in mind that ASA stopped hiring before many other carriers, including Skywest, Comair, Eagle, Mesa, and PSA.

I think ASA's furlough possibility will greatly depend on who absorbs Expressjet's LAX and SLC ops. Many of those routes will reduce frequencies, others will just go away.

The best/only thing that makes sense in this entire thread.

I could see SKYW filling the XJT void out west, thus, freeing up flying to be done east of the Mississippi.

On the flip side, if UAL reduces the flying, SKYW could very well take routes formerly flown with ASA crews.
Like I said in the first post, I'm not a chicken little type or a "Drama Mama" (must admit, that made me laugh), I was just curious if someone knew something the rest of us didn't. 95% of What you read on FI or APC is gossip and speculation but every once in a while, there are some worthwhile posts that can contain valid information. An example would be the sale of ASA to SkyWest, everyone thought that was crap when it was first posted, yet, here we are a SkyWest owned company.

I personally give f.......'s and downgrades a 50/50 chance. I'm ready either way because if we downgrade, I'll be back to some kickin' schedules with weekends off, and if we don't, the money's a LITTLE better and I'm building that PIC time that may be worth something again someday. Gotta stay positive in times like these...:beer:

We will be overstaffed by over 250 pilots in September. How is this news to anyone? COMA lines will be offered, as will personal leaves.

"Parking" airplanes sounds like we are putting them in the desert. That is not the case. There will just be more aircraft sitting on the ramp by the A-Tech.
We should actually be concerned over will there be any flying in the coming years.

Seriously, step away from the doomsday machine. Every post you've made is doom and gloom. I want you take a deep breath and realize you're ok... enjoy the fact that you have a job right now and that you will for the foreseeable future. ASA has never furloughed anyone and doubt they're about to start now. COMA lines? Maybe, I know a LOT of guys including myself that would gladly take one this fall. I'm 100% certain that they knew the Florida flying would eventually shrivel up into a few tiny pieces and the typical autumn reduction would happen. There's a reason they stopped hiring and upgrading (or maybe it was dumb luck) but in either case, if you're at ASA, consider yourself lucky, many worse places that you could be.
ASA never furloughed? I'm probably wrong, but it seems when we closed the MEM base, some people got furloughed for a short period. Yea, I know, some of you young studs and studettes are probably asking, what MEM base.. what is he talking about?? Well, years ago, whe dinosaurs walked the earth, we did have a MEM base, all Bandits if I remember correctly. Any old geezers on here and remember if we furloughed or not?
Someone with a tie on told me that ASA currently runs a schedule equivalent to 110 RJs and in the fall is pulling their schedule down to be equivalent to 85 RJs. ASA wanted to park the extras around KATL and rotate them through the schedule so they would be current and ready for any "ramp ups". Source said he told them "no space available in KATL". Ask for source and stick a needle in my eye and I will not disclose.
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