Every time...and I mean EVERY TIME there is some criticism of the union guys, the standard response is "well, what have YOU done for the union?" or "YOU are the union" "why don't YOU run for office"
Every time I have asked to participate I was told they didn't need any help.
I don't think our reps sit around and eat lobster while sunning at the beach everyday, but I have seen a fundamental change since I have been here. We seem to be in an era of acquiescence and "cooperation" with the company.
When I found PBS was sold to us by reps who were bribed by the company with a pay raise, I was pissed. Face it guys.... that does not look good. That looks very, very bad. Did you really think you could sneak that in unnoticed? Do you REALIZE how bad that looks?
All I want is a rep that does what he says he will do. I am not a First officer, but I want a rep who will look out for THEM. I am not a senior lifer but I want a rep who will look out for THEM. I AM a reserve Captain. I also want a rep who will look out for ME.
What I don't want is a rep who tells me reserve sucks and just deal with it. After 3.5 years, it is wearing THIN. We should be improving QOL for EVERYBODY, from top to bottom.
Does anyone remember the campaign posters plastered everywhere? Remember what every one of them said?
"I will listen to all our pilots and look out for everyone's interests"
Well, In MY opinion that is not being done.
Don't run for office if you don't want to do the work
BTW, sorry about the thread creep. I think the merger committee will do a fine job and I respect these guys. I am just tired of the elected reps.
-I feel the same way about all these issues. I have been around long enough to see our union go thru several cycles, and by far we are in the most limp-wristed, mamby-pamby one I have ever see! Our current reps are so far up the company's ass, it really makes me wonder what the hell is going on.
Why the hell do we pay dues to hear the same lines of B.S. (verbatim) from our elected reps which we hear from the senior mgmt. guys in recurrent? I could save my freaking money and just listen each load of garbage only once-from people I would expect to hear it from.
I am still not happy about the raise, nor am I happy about the fact that I heard nothing about this little tidbit at the roadshow, nor did I read about it in any memo. The biggest thing that made me angry was the silly-ass response (at the roadshow) whenever anyone had anything negative to say about the agreement. The subject was quickly shifted, and pilot after pilot at the show was pretty much told they had no idea what they were talking about.
It is a shame that all the pitfalls and all the negative aspects of this agreement were right there in black-and-white, but our pilot group was so uncaring and non-participatory that almost everyone missed them. I guess that is the root cause of why the heck we are so screwed with these guys now.
-Simply Insulting!
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