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ASA getting RJ 900's

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General Lee said:
Man, you really are funny. I have actually been on this forum nonstop for the last 5 years. I sleep 2 hours a night, and then drink 8 Red Bulls before I start looking at Flightinfo at 5 am until 12 noon. Then I pass out for 3 hours in my own sweat and vomit. The wife comes home from work and starts yelling at me at around 4 pm. Before I shower, my wife and I make out hot and heavy, and then we eat Wendy's potatos and triple cheeseburgers (the wife has a double cheeseburger). Then I get back on flightinfo from 7 pm to 4 am. What a great day. Oh yeah, and I fly a couple of 4 day trips every once and awhile..... Have a great one dude! Rock on!

Bye Bye--General Lee

man just the time of your post says it all.
General, it has 9 additional seats!

When commuters flew 30 seat airplanes and wanted 50 seats, the argument was "gosh its only 20 more seats." Then the 70's came along..."its only 20 more seats." Now the 79 seaters..."its only 9 more seats." Somebody's got to draw the line or else this crap will continue with same argument..."its only X number more seats." Eventually we'll have 200 seat RJs. Keep the big jets at mainline and maybe you wont be stuck at ASA (or another commuter) for the rest of your career.
180ToTheMarker said:
When commuters flew 30 seat airplanes and wanted 50 seats, the argument was "gosh its only 20 more seats." Then the 70's came along..."its only 20 more seats." Now the 79 seaters..."its only 9 more seats." Somebody's got to draw the line or else this crap will continue with same argument..."its only X number more seats." Eventually we'll have 200 seat RJs. Keep the big jets at mainline and maybe you wont be stuck at ASA (or another commuter) for the rest of your career.

Who do you think pays for this arbitrary seat limit. Pilots. They pay for it in pay and work rule concessions. Managment doesn't care who flies the aircraft they just take advantage of the discontent amongst pilots who seem to think that one aircraft is more worthy then another.

Divide and Conquer. As pilots, we have been conquered.

Thanks ALPA.
If you wanna see what happens to the Delta family just look at how it was handled at US Airways! Delta mainline guys will give in too more concessions! They will at first threaten to strike, but in the end.... they will cave in like everyone else! Delta will bring in more 700/900's and Delta's senior Pilots will sell out there junior guys (Eating Young to survive), and then give the junior pilots Jets For Jobs at the regionals, that is once Delta starts to furlough due to returning airplanes.
The times have changed.... It doesn't take a ex-F-15 pilot to fly a commerical airplane anymore! We are seeing 400hr and less pilots jumping right into regional jets! Management knows it, and tons of people are ready to fly the same aircraft for half the money... Sad I know!!
Don't get me wrong I hope that Delta can hold the line!! I agree with GL, all this is making my chance to get to Delta, United Con, etc. almost impossible.
Good Luck!! You'll need it!!
I am with rjcap!!! Can I get my ALPA money back since 2000?
General Lee said:
Pay reductions. We all know that there could be a chance of bringing the rates up later. You need to get the planes first on the property, and then go for the pay.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Get them on the property first? Usually you don't talk out of that part of your body, General....as far as I can remember.
Why would you let the company know that you would fly a 737 sized airplane for that kind of money. It would take decades to get the pay rates where they should be for that size a/c. Where will you be in that period of time? And what good is the CR9 time in your logbook? It's pointless....that should only be a mainline airplane, otherwise there's no future for any of us on this side of the year 2030. What was the pay jump across the board when you got CR7's? Think you'll see the same % again? I wouldn't bet on it.......and that still is way less that what it's worth.
It's 1 am KATL time...General where are you????

As much as it would be nice to get more/larger aircraft at ASA...I don't want them here. I would like to have some sort of career progression.

General I hate to say it...our forefathers dropped the ball on us. A Delta flight flight SHOULD mean a Delta pilot regardless if it is ATL-CDG or ATL-VLD.

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