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Asa - 22 Crj900

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~~~^~~~ said:
General: You let them go in 1996. Now you are trying to take them back while other ALPA members are performing that flying.
I could not agree with you more. In fact, this is the position I took in 2000 and I'm holding the course. I am glad the Judge in the RJDC suit refused ALPA's request to hold the lawsuit in abeyance and actually accelerated the case given recent events.

Not that a decision in the RJDC suit will directly impact scope, but it would give SJ pilots a voice in the National Union. I don't think anyone is arguing for a reversal of the current hijack situation our union is in. We just want the union to be the representative democracy that it is supposed to be.

We let them go in '96? The 737-200s? You mean going to Express? We got them back for better rates in 2000 (C2K). What other ALPA pilots are flying the 737-200s for Delta? Those planes will be replaced. Your 50 seaters can be replaced by 70 seaters---and we have offered the company for you to have a TOTAL of 200 of them. There you go. Any 79 seaters or 90 seaters, or 100 seaters will directly replace OUR 737-200s. We will NOT back down on that request. Our older--loyal---Captains are all gone now---2300 of them---and the majority of the rest of us actually care about scope. (Maybe the top 300 don't---but they are now the MINORITY)

Bye Bye--General Lee
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enuffalready said:
Exactly as I imagined. You tell General Lee somthing he cannot spout Momma delta has all the answers and he reverts to "spoiled brat, and you go girl" in the truly elitist mindset that we have all grown to loathe.

I know its hard to comprehend but I am a 34 yo male. I started with nothing and have EARNED EVERY STINKING PENNY with nothing but hard work and determination. Which are things I know you know NOTHING about.

I know plenty of little men that feed their little ego's with items like gross take off weight and num of pax per plane but welcome to a true free market. People like you need Delta, you need that environment because you would have your a$$ handed to you if you every really had to compete in a true free market. You need seniority because head to head in the real world you would be the TBKANE plug in any corporation and when you log off at night on your st martin overnight you realize that.

Get over yourself and your gold bars...and like I said before, If i had a chance, you better believe I would take very single bit of flying from you if it meant better conditions for my family as I know you would to me.

You are a total goof and need Cialis. You go bad girl!

Bye Bye--General Lee
General Lee said:
Your 50 seaters can be replaced by 70 seaters---and we have offered the company for you to have a TOTAL of 200 of them. There you go. Any 79 seaters or 90 seaters, or 100 seaters will directly replace OUR 737-200s. We will NOT back down on that request. Our older--loyal---Captains are all gone now---2300 of them---and the majority of the rest of us actually care about scope. (Maybe the top 300 don't---but they are now the MINORITY)

Bye Bye--General Lee
General Lee, if you remove the 70 seat aircraft limit and allow us to operate up to 20 105 seat aircraft, I think we will be right back at CY96 scope.

I'm not advocating 737's show up at DCI. Don't get me wrong there. But the CRJ900 is the max stretch of the type and if Delta is going to run a CRJ700, they might as well take advantage of the revenue available by operating the 900. More money for mother Delta, same costs on the codeshare. Delta needs money, you need Delta (we all do).

You comments about the politics of the your pilot group are interesting. Are the newer guys more radical than the last bunch?
~~~^~~~ said:
General Lee, if you remove the 70 seat aircraft limit and allow us to operate up to 20 105 seat aircraft, I think we will be right back at CY96 scope.

in the name of accuracy I want to point out contract 96 did not allow up to 20 105 seat aircraft. It allowed specifically up to 20 BAE-146 aircraft. No mention was made of the number of seats, nor would it have allowed any other aircraft with 105 seats.
~~~^~~~ said:
General Lee, if you remove the 70 seat aircraft limit and allow us to operate up to 20 105 seat aircraft, I think we will be right back at CY96 scope.

Fins, CY96 scope put a 70,000 lb MTOW on all permitted aircraft with the only exception 20 Bae 146s, not a generic 105 seat limit.
FDJ2 said:
Fins, CY96 scope put a 70,000 lb MTOW on all permitted aircraft with the only exception 20 Bae 146s, not a generic 105 seat limit.

Typical fins spin though!
enuffalready said:
Exactly as I imagined. You tell General Lee somthing he cannot spout Momma delta has all the answers and he reverts to "spoiled brat, and you go girl" in the truly elitist mindset that we have all grown to loathe.

I know its hard to comprehend but I am a 34 yo male. I started with nothing and have EARNED EVERY STINKING PENNY with nothing but hard work and determination. Which are things I know you know NOTHING about.

I know plenty of little men that feed their little ego's with items like gross take off weight and num of pax per plane but welcome to a true free market. People like you need Delta, you need that environment because you would have your a$$ handed to you if you every really had to compete in a true free market. You need seniority because head to head in the real world you would be the TBKANE plug in any corporation and when you log off at night on your st martin overnight you realize that.

Get over yourself and your gold bars...and like I said before, If i had a chance, you better believe I would take every single bit of flying from you if it meant better conditions for my family as I know you would to me.

That's great, you don't care about him, and he doesn't care about you, neither do I. But yet you say this:

You talked about big picture... here's your big picture. I am an RJ pilot that flys for free ( I know $50 per year)to my favorite destinations on Delta. I am an FO because I choose to be. I make more money than your most senior 777 capt with another career and I have absolutely zero desire to fly for American, FEDEX, UPS, united and even, yes mother Delta. I don't care what planes you fly, I don't care about your problems and yes, I will fly a 90 seat jet for cheaper than you.

Then you say this out of the other side of your nut drainer:

Yes, I do realize that there is someone out there that is willing to do my job cheaper, and I am ok with that. It's called the free market. When that day comes, and I am requested to fly for less than what I think this job is worth then I will happily walk away and know I had a good run.

I call BS to you and your flame bait. If you truly are a 34 year old male, then stop posting like a 14 year old kid!
Good night junior!

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