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Any other pay cuts @ Netjest Inc?

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Step AWAY from the crack pipe Number$cruncher....you *think* the TA will pass?


Yo thinker ain't thinkin' no mo!
sikntired said:
Step AWAY from the crack pipe Number$cruncher....you *think* the TA will pass?

Stranger things have happened. Bill Clinton getting re-elected for example.
I'm hearing from more and more people who are saying "Enough already, just gimme my signing bonus and I'll start sending out resumes" Then there's the newbies who want to get out from under the training contract.

The TA is bad for pilots, but there's a lot in here that's bad for the company. That is, unless, they're really still gung-ho on this ab-initio programme...
Ab Initio

Grim Reaper said:
ab-initio programme... Lord WakeField, Pardon My Ignorance: Define please.
Ab Initio is latin meaning literally "From the Beginning." Most Ab Initio flight programs take you from zero time to a commercial.

I think it would be tough to explain to the owners that Roger Ram Jet in the right seat of the X has 250 whole hours, most of that in a 152.

It would be especially hard to explain to the owners how the company lost 1/2 the experienced pilots due to substandard pay, when their monthy management fees and hourly rates are so high.

Yes, many of you will say the owners dont care as long as they get from point A to point B, but I believe most of the owners are VERY smart and won't want their children and wives on a plane with a Very low time pilot. (no offense fo low timers we were all there once.)
There are experienced FOs at NJA that will leave.

There are plenty of FOs with lots of experience that will be leaving if the TA were to pass--which I certainly don't think it will. However, it is an alarming trend--paying too low to retain experienced pilots---which will concern the owners, who have been sold on the idea of BEST pilots out there. My husband is an FO/FO on the EXcel--5000 hrs, mostly F16 time. NJA needs to get a grip--the only reason he, and many like him (I talk to their wives), took the job in the first place was to get in on a company that was going places and promising to take the pilots w/them. We all assumed that that would be upwards mobility--NOT A CONTRACT LEADING THE BOTTOM OF THE INDUSTRY!!!! NJA has 75% of the market and will be getting much bigger, according to Buffet. The business has been built on the backs of the pilots who come home dog-tired. Many wives have joined the fight because we are sick of being penny-pinchers married to pilots that are overworked and underpaid. We're through with the status quo. There WILL be a change. Hopefully, it will be one that is good for all concerned. If not, the owners should worry because the "best" pilots have better options.
Sweet F-16, it's time for a reality check for you!

If your husband leaves NJA, he will be replaced by one of 6,800 pilots walking the streets right now looking for work, soon to be joined by almost 3,000 from USAir. This may surprise you, but it would take me about two weeks to get any of these people up to speed on a Cessna product.

You win some...you lose some. The bottom line, and I mean that...THE BOTTOM LINE... is that the company can make more money by having your hubby go and sell floor tile and put a new hire in his seat.

This is a hard reality for most people to swallow. I like to show up to work, I believe I do a good job. I enjoy the change from scheduled airline flying which bored the living crap out of me. I think that this is the way of the future as do I believe that the airlines are now Greyhound buses with wings. The glory days are over! Get over it, if you can't hack it here, go elsewhere and let the free market do its thing.
I'll probably be flamed for this but it has been a while since I have visited this board.

How could NetJets be getting a paycut with a new contract? When I left Options 3 yrs ago NJ old contract was ending and they were the lowest paid in the industry then (and Options was the highest). Are you saying that after 3+ yrs of negotiations that you have gone BACKWARDS and not forward? I know there are a lot of qualified guys on the street right now but you got have to make a stand for yourself...and them!
Hawkered said:
I believe that the airlines are now Greyhound buses with wings. The glory days are over! Get over it, if you can't hack it here, go elsewhere and let the free market do its thing.
We agree one one thing. The glory days are over - because of guys like you.

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