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Anti-union letter from the IPJB.

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An airline that has a movement in progress to leave ALPA...

Yea, all 70 of them... with 3 outstanding greevances on file they sure have it bad over there. How many pilots do they have? 12 or 13K?

It must suck to have an enforcable contract.

Bayou, it's ok. You will be among the 14% that will benefit from the rest of our work.
why in the world does anyone think that ALPA is a better choice than an in-house union? One word: Southwest. Enough said
By the way. RN commutes on DL.

Wonderful. Now you would like to start a jumpseat war simply because a pilot feels strongly about his views and is willing to actually post his name?

Pathetic, simply pathetic.
What do football players, basketball players, homebuyers, doctors, airline management have in common? Third party represntation.

Fact is that ATA and F&H are indeed third party representation.
What I hear from the anti-union crowd is greed, not all but most. Greed for what they might lose for themselves. MEMEMEMEME guys. Selfishness driven.
Let all the other MECs negotiate hourly rates.
why in the world does anyone think that ALPA is a better choice than an in-house union? One word: Southwest. Enough said

Sigh. This is getting tiring. Why did AirTran merge with ALPA? An in-house at B6 would be a paper tiger. Our management is nothing like Southwest. The in-house drive failed and that ship has sailed.
This was sent to me in order to keep ALPA off the property. Really? This guy is a whack. Since he didn't say to keep it private, I will share:

My friends at jetBlue:

You have received a voting link for the PVC election which opened yesterday. The outcome of this vote will significantly affect us all. If you have not already voted I ask you to carefully consider your decision prior to voting.

The stage is set for battle. Look at the list of candidates. Five want to continue working for you directly; of the other five, four are on the ALPA organizing committee and want to bring a third party to jetblue.

This will be a winner take all outcome. All ten candidates on the general ballot received block support to get there. The winners of this vote will most likely be their entire block or our five guys listed below. This is because ALPA’s organizing drive has forced us to do the same to have a chance of stopping the minority drive to take over the PVC and our way of doing business.

Look around you and be honest. Are you satisfied with where you are for the most part? Do you have all the rights, protections, benefits and compensation that you airline peers have? Have we achieved some significant gains to peer set or above? Do you believe that more gains are in process? Do you really believe that bringing ALPA in will solve all our problems?

My guess is that your answer will be similar to mine: In some areas we are above peer set, some areas below, and some areas still in process. However, we have made significant progress in many areas and have real progress pending in some of the remaining areas.

Is this direct relationship perfect? Not by a long shot. But I firmly believe that we can gain improvements easier and more quickly than if we have to go through an extended contract negotiation or wait for a lousy contract to expire.

I am asking you to support the five candidates below. They have all pledged to work only for you on the PVC. They bring outstanding skills and experience to the equation. None of them are anti-union. Most importantly, each of these guys has the personal integrity that so often is lacking in leadership positions. They are committed to finding timely solutions to some of the remaining issues we face.

Please take a moment to vote, and ask at least five of your jetblue friends to vote. If you do not, I can assure you that you will be handing your future over to others whose solution unfortunately is more problems.

Please block vote for Doug Grasley, Tony Yoder, Randy Meyer, Brian Perry, and Phil Ciani.

If ever there was a time to participate in your future, now is that time. The vote ends Oct 28th.

Thanks for your attention.

Randy Navarre

A-320 Captain JFK

Prior PVC Chairman

Tony Yoder?

Bahaa Ha Ha Ha Haaaa "gasp".....

Is that the best you can come up with for bold leadership for Jet Blue? I remember this mook from my days at Air Midwest. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Good luck!

Your going to need it.....
Tony Yoder?

Bahaa Ha Ha Ha Haaaa "gasp".....

Is that the best you can come up with for bold leadership for Jet Blue? I remember this mook from my days at Air Midwest. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Good luck!

Your going to need it.....

TY is a management stooge.........ask the Mesa guys......
For those of you that are wondering:

The IPJB is version 2 of the BoBs or "Band of Blue"...

...our ladder climbing union busters who think that asking for a reasonable package of pay and benefits would hurt our competitive edge and are oh-so-happy to help our executive leadership team earn huge bonuses for keeping the unions off the property.

Many of you may still keep the original Band of Blue list (that they so eagerly published along with a list of pro-union pilots) but my guess is the list of BoBs has shrunk considerably.

Soon there will be just a few lone hawks circling gracefully in the sky as they defend truth, justice, and the American way.

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