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jarhead said:
Do you really belive that drivel? That ones political views brand them as hating America when they don't match your own views?

Only when the political party and the culture they support drags American down the road to ..... be like the French!

Most American hating liberals don't realize when they vote with the libs, they automatically become a part of the problem. Liberalism is a mental disorder, and the afflicted do not even realize it. Not even John Glenn.
Abu Nidal

was one of many terrorists with an Iraqi passport. To say Iraq has no blood on its hands is a mis -statement. I would wager substantial $ Iraq had WMD and sent them elsewhere in the years twhile the wimps such as Kofi Anon and Hans Blix ( sp?) dragged its feet enforcing sanctions.Chas
Moonfly201 said:
Only when the political party and the culture they support drags American down the road to ..... be like the French!

Most American hating liberals don't realize when they vote with the libs, they automatically become a part of the problem. Liberalism is a mental disorder, and the afflicted do not even realize it. Not even John Glenn.

go ahead and keep misunderestimating the liberals.
I don't.

America will take decades to recover from their 40 years running washington.

All you have to do is listen to Ted Kennedy to know why they should not be underestimated.
What drivel...

I nominate this thread for the all-time winner in foolishness. All of my favorite Republican talking points have been faithfully parroted by the ditto-heads on this board. Way to think independantly boys! (oh, and Timebuilder...spare me the "I was an evil liberal and said what they told me to, until I became a God-Republican and now I repeat what they tell me to because they're not evil" speech.)
Re: What drivel...

UpNDownGuy said:
All of my favorite Republican talking points have been faithfully parroted by the ditto-heads on this board. Way to think independantly boys!

Both sides have talking points that are repeated by their legions.....no question about it....but one thing that I see far too often from folks on the left is how they accuse anyone who doesn't agree with their point of view of being "closed minded" or unable to "think independantly."

You, perhaps without knowing it, have become what you despise...a parrot shill.
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Re: What drivel...

UpNDownGuy said:
I nominate this thread for the all-time winner in foolishness. All of my favorite Republican talking points have been faithfully parroted by the ditto-heads on this board. Way to think independantly boys! (oh, and Timebuilder...spare me the "I was an evil liberal and said what they told me to, until I became a God-Republican and now I repeat what they tell me to because they're not evil" speech.)

I don't repeat what anyone tells me.

Having trouble accepting that independent thinking can lead to similar conclusions, are we?

You don't worry me, sir. People are waking up, and they understand what evil is. They saw it on 9-11.

Before that, it was a vague philosophical concept.

Good day to you.
The terrorists best buddy and closest ally is the liberal. The terrorist has no greater tool at their disposal than the bed wetting girlie man spineless freak of nature who is liberal in their beliefs. The liberal sleeps with the enemy and calls it reasonable. The liberal is not without hope however, ignorance is curable through hard work and perseverance. Do not hate the liberal for he is simply stupid....most likely his family is filled with stupid people...he is a product of generations of ignorance. Pity the pathetic waste of space...I mean help the liberal to become educated. Don't slap them in public wait until your in private and then slap them with an open hand over and over again while repeating todays lesson. Time and education will heal their wounded feeble minds. Help a liberal to learn the truth today.
Wow! What a dope! I'm off this thread now. Way too many morons spouting garbage.

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