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America Attacked video

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Bush was speaking to the govenment of Afghanistan (the Taliban), and they were harboring terroists, and they were treated as an enemy. They were removed by force, and justifiably so. I have never seen one speck of evidenece, that on 9-11, Iraq was harboring any Al-Queda

Sadam was a different despot......just like Kim Jung Il in North Korea. An axis of evil....perhaps. Al-Quida harbor? Highly doubtful.
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I know! How about this for a brilliant flash of intellect. Why don’t we (The United States of America) just unleash Armageddon now? Lets not waste all those 50 and 100 megaton hydrogen bombs, and just let them go to waste. Now that we don’t need MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction), why don’t we just launch every silo based, submarine based Trident and all the SAC bombs all at once. We’ll aim ‘em all at the Arab, Persian, Indo China nations, and while we’re at it, we might as well obliterate Pakistan and India also. That’ll solve our problems. Mass murder……just like Hitler with the Jews, and his quest for all of Europe. And, as long as we have already murdered millions of people there, what’s wrong with dropping a few nuclear bombs on Columbia…..you know…..to clear up that nasty problem of cocaine coming into America.
this was a thread about the awful day of 9/11, not to be hijacked into a politcal rant about iraq. leave it for what it is supposed to be.
The thread was already hijacked before I posted about Iraq. If you noticed, my posts have supported the war on Al-Queda terrorists, that did the 9-11 obscenity.
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Rather than get in a political tit-for-tat, I'll just say we can't sit still. Some might think Iraq is a bad decision. Some think it is a necessary evil. Some might think we're not doing enough to find Osama. Either way, we are Americans! And WE need to come together to end this madness. Unfortunately Democrats and Republicans still draw their party lines and will only cross them in horrendous events such as 9/11.

And I think every person in America needs to watch that video at least a couple of times. People are trying to sugar coat the issue of terrorism, but it is real, and it needs to be in the forefront of everyone's mind. Or else......another 9/11 WILL happen.
You may have seen things that I have not, but I don't know anyone who sugarcoats what happened on 9-11. It was awful!

As all our national leaders have said, another attack WILL happen. We just don't know where or when. We are at war with terrorists, and it is one that will go on for a long, long time. We need more friends and allies, not more enemies.
I'm a grown man and I had tears running down my cheeks at the end.. Evil **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**s!
Crowbar .... great post. America needs to be reminded about who started this fight.

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