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ALPA Signs off on Age 65

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I see no reason to have any optimism about ALPA's ability to handle foreign control or cabotage. All they have to do is offer a windfall opportunity to ALPA's senior minority and guys like Prater will make sure the issue is supported.

No one should assail Andy for his strike comment without giving the same grief to a pilot who wants this age changed. Precious little separates the two opinions. Pilot works past 60 or a pilot crosses a picket line? Same net effect.

*That being said, I appreciate Black Hawk and Widow's son's acknowledgement that perhaps some seniority give and take should take place.

Let's be careful here when tossing the crossing of picket lines around. While I hold an opinion that might be unpopular among some there is absolutely no way I would cross any pilot's picket line ever. If all the current contracts remain the same then certainly some pilots would benefit and some would be hurt. I just don't think all other contract items will continue to remain the same and that contracts will be adjusted to reflect a new reality. Change is taking place and many long ingrained contract philosophies and expectations will have to change with it. Companies, unions and pilot's will have simply have to adjust and I think they will. That's a lot different point of view than someone who will cross a picket line to take someone else's job for themselves.
That's the most important question. Rez's answer was less than satisfactory, to put it lightly. We've now conducted multiple polls on this subject. Each one of these polls concluded that a majority favored the current policy, and the President, EC, and the EB have completely ignored the will of the membership. Simply deplorable.

The political fall out would've been greater if no poll was taken.

Welcome to reality and the way of the world....

It just isn't happening the way you think it should.... no matter how hard you slam your eyes shut and believe it should... everytime you open your eyes there is no change....

So you can work with the players or slam your eyes shut again....

ALPA is choosing to work with the players.....
The political fall out would've been greater if no poll was taken.

Welcome to reality and the way of the world....

It just isn't happening the way you think it should.... no matter how hard you slam your eyes shut and believe it should... everytime you open your eyes there is no change....

So you can work with the players or slam your eyes shut again....

ALPA is choosing to work with the players.....

Again Rez: I've been in three labor unions as a pilot. I've been well represented, and this aint it.

You're commentary comes easy to you because you're free of the burden of having a even a clue of what proper representation is.
Just heads up for couple of you guys who mentioned putting over sixty's into the right seat.In most states and the Federal government have existing age discrimination law that would prevent that.


That is a whopper. Please, Mr. Lawyer, show us that/those statutes somewhere. These must be all the laws that prevented forcing the over 60 guys into the back seats.

That is one of the stupidest, out the azz comments ever typed on this board. Congrats.

And yeah, while I am raging against the machine, Rez, you are officially an idiot. I hate to say it, because we agreed on a lot of things, but you are completely in denial about what ALPA is doing for (actually against) you.

Good luck in the future as you wail about not enough people participating in an organization that really doesn't want us to participate.

Picture this - you are driving down the road, in your own lane, minding your own business, you round a bend to find yourself headlight to headlight with an 18 wheeler in your lane.

What do you do? Here are your choices -
1. Maintain your lane because it's your lane and he shouldn't be there.
2. Move out his way.

ALPA choose to move out of the way.

Regardless of what ALPA above does, the 18 wheeler was in the WRONG and the driver would presumably be liable for the damages that might occur.

Your argument means nothing. ALPA's stance should be based on what is RIGHT according to the majority of the membership, not on the politics involved. You can dodge the semi and still fight for what you believe in.

ALPA and that diickhead Prater sold us out.

Falcon, Here you go buddy look the rest up on your own.Has nothing to d with the FAA or age 60.

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects certain applicants and employees 40 years of age and older from discrimination on the basis of age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, or terms, conditions or privileges of employment. The ADEA is enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
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