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ALPA Signs off on Age 65

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Luv,I'm pretty sure you can't negotiate a contract that is against a labor law.

No, but you can negotiate a worse payout of retirement for those who stay until they are 65. Just call it a "Late" retirement penalty.
Canyon, Your reaching just a bit, good luck.In the 15 yrs I have left I think we should be looking out for Cabotage and foreign ownership cause those are the things is Congress has really lined up on. In fact they are just now getting ready to allow EU cargo airlines the right to fly in the US. That's how deregulation started in 78 with cargo first. Next thing you will have Easy Jet and Ryan Air etc flying DAL/HOU. This is the type thing ALPA should be working not just one issue.Especially an issue they have been told they would lose.Please remember the American people basically think its their right to fly free and the don't really care how it effects some airline pilot.
>>Since you opened up the discussion, I’m interested – What exactly is your side willing to give up to “mitigate the impact of change?”<<

I don't speak for anyone but myself, and I don't really have a dog in the fight, as I'm not on the bubble of retirement, but I would endorse some sort of economic adjustment to help mitigate the financial effects and I don't think I'm alone on that.
I've seen proposals for lump sum exchanges between retirement accounts of those who get to stay and those who get held back. There are also ideas of dues assessments/rebates. Most of the guys I know who are on the bubble recognize the impact and would be amenable to helping mitigate it. (especially since the other side has been so supportive and empathetic to their cause):D

>>With your statement above, you do indicate a realization that many of us will suffer economic loss and damages by any change in the retirement age.<<

Over the short term I don't think that was ever in question. Over the long term most studies show that the aggregate effects are neutral or even positive for most situations.
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]I think we should be looking out for Cabotage and foreign ownership cause those are the things is Congress has really lined up on. In fact they are just now getting ready to allow EU cargo airlines the right to fly in the US. That's how deregulation started in 78 with cargo first. Next thing you will have Easy Jet and Ryan Air etc flying DAL/HOU. This is the type thing ALPA should be working not just one issue.Especially an issue they have been told they would lose.

File... if Congress wants Cabotage and foreign ownership along with the White House, what can ALPA do? It's an inevitable change, just like changing Age 60 rule. ALPA will support it, especially if Prater is still in office.
Ya and that's why I say move on.We need to working on a national standard contract, getting rid of the RR labor act, preparing for foreign ownership etc etc. Thing we haven't lost yet.
ALPA will agree to support cabotage and Foreign Ownership because it's part of globalization and it'll happen whether we want it or not.

They'll just ask that in exchange for our support, they make any foreign carrier pilot domiciled in the U.S. to join ALPA so they can get collect some more dues.

Y'know.... to be involved in the change n all.
I see no reason to have any optimism about ALPA's ability to handle foreign control or cabotage. All they have to do is offer a windfall opportunity to ALPA's senior minority and guys like Prater will make sure the issue is supported.

No one should assail Andy for his strike comment without giving the same grief to a pilot who wants this age changed. Precious little separates the two opinions. Pilot works past 60 or a pilot crosses a picket line? Same net effect.

*That being said, I appreciate Black Hawk and Widow's son's acknowledgement that perhaps some seniority give and take should take place.
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Picture this - you are driving down the road, in your own lane, minding your own business, you round a bend to find yourself headlight to headlight with an 18 wheeler in your lane.

What do you do? Here are your choices -
1. Maintain your lane because it's your lane and he shouldn't be there.
2. Move out his way.

ALPA choose to move out of the way.

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