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ALPA Signs off on Age 65

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So the EEOC has been against age 60 for over 20 years and it had no effect. They either are unwilling, or more likely, lack the legal authority to do anything about it. I cant imagine a new rule would be any different.
It wasn't an oncoming truck. It was a complex and political maelstrom of competing interests. On one hand was a tightly knit band of older pilots with a gameplan for marching on Capitol Hill. On the other hand was ALPA. David and Goliath, but David won, because Goliath threw in the towel.

And we're supposed to believe that Goliath is going to find his sack quick enough to stop globalization.

I encourage everyone to look at the fight AOPA and EAA are waging against user fees, on the same FAA reauthorization bill. Another "done deal" from Marion Blakey, but somehow they're fighting it anyway.....

Huck you nailed it. FJ too.

ALPA is nothing but a white towel waving, dues grabbing, corrupt organization.

"Guys, you are bound to get screwed, but just keep paying us. Thanks."
Again Rez: I've been in three labor unions as a pilot. I've been well represented, and this aint it.

Aww thats cute. What is your solution to this?

You're commentary comes easy to you because you're free of the burden of having a even a clue of what proper representation is.

All I hear from your camp is Will of the Membership!!! Do you have anything else to offer?
And yeah, while I am raging against the machine, Rez, you are officially an idiot. I hate to say it, because we agreed on a lot of things, but you are completely in denial about what ALPA is doing for (actually against) you.

Good luck in the future as you wail about not enough people participating in an organization that really doesn't want us to participate.


Ok then..what do you suggest? More name calling?
Huck you nailed it. FJ too.

ALPA is nothing but a white towel waving, dues grabbing, corrupt organization.

"Guys, you are bound to get screwed, but just keep paying us. Thanks."

What then do you suggest? Replace ALPA with USA and there would be those who would cry treason..... Pilots are ready to rip off there black and white ID lanyard, wear their pin upside down or not at all. Maybe you want the FAA or management to represent your interests.

Too many pilots think ALPA is there personal career custodian..... For years the membership was apathetic... then issues come up and they want results... oh yeah you paid your dues:rolleyes:

What then do you suggest!!!
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I feel like Bill Murray in some movie where he shared credits with Punxsutawney Phil...........
Too many pilots think ALPA is there personal career custodian..... For years the membership was apathetic... then issues come up and they want results... oh yeah you paid your dues:rolleyes:

Well which is it Rez? Do you want guys involved or not??? They are voicing their opinions on where ALPA is heading and the majority is NOT happy at all.

In every post, you demean pilots for not getting involved. So what does one have to do to be involved enough? There are only so many positions people be elected or appointed to. What percentage of pilots are off in one given day to attend LEC meeting? There is a reason that people dont get involved in ALPA. No one listens to them anyways. It gets to the point that people say " aww f*ck it". That happened some time ago with ALPA.

You are damn right. They paid their hard earned money and expect something in return. But so far, the have got nothing.
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A lot of folks here need to wise up. The change is going to take place regardless of what some union majority may think. These are federal rules not union rules. Now that the writing is on the wall it's much smarter for ALPA to get on board and influence how the change is implemented. It's time for unions, contracts and pilots to adjust to the change.

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