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Airline Mergers!

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I have to say that your posts are among the most ego-centric I have read... You logic is flawed son. Your cited articles are theories only, not scientific fact. Do yourself a favor and take a look at all of the miss-diagnosed certainties of past surrounding this industry. The list is EXTREME to say the least. DAL is most definitely NOT in the driver seat at this time, and is by all accounts late with their merger rhetoric. All DAL has accomplished to this point is stating that they see a need for consolidation and have a Wish List. Thats it!

Talk of breaking up airlines is WILDLY SPECULATIVE. Especially when you forget that the UAL route structure is Globally superior to any existing carrier today, and to the very least certainly that of DAL. Speculatively, if a UAL/DAL thing had to happen, it would seem to me that the carrier with the better global structure would remain the most intact.

As an add-on, I have to laugh out loud every time you tout that the Delta name would prevail because "my CEO said so." We all know THEY would NEVER go back on their word. Take it for what it is, a rallying cry. An attempt to get the troops on board with managements direction. Your making more of it than is reasonable.

Believe me, UA, CA, NW and others have their own itinerary which may or may not be aligned with that of DAL. And Delta may find themselves in in dire straights as AA/NW and UA/CA merge. Only one thing is certain as far as I'm concerned, the Pacific heavy hitters will be involved one way or another if this is to happen. Where does that leave DAL?

Thanks Dad for that diatribe......? Delta is in the drivers seat, and if you don't believe the articles out there, then bring something that proves your points. You can't. I know these writers are subjective sometimes, but they know a lot more of what is happening than you and I. I think you should write emails to those authors and tell them they ARE DREAMING!! Yeah, that's the ticket. They will laugh in your face and delete your mail fast.

As far as United breaking up, I posted that was a rumor I heard from an actual United pilot. And you think United has a better financial picture than Delta? Are you crazy? They did a terrible job in BK getting costs under control, and they have a leader who wants out. They have no plan, and no future orders. They have two hubs (ORD and DEN) that are consistantly closed during bad weather, and they had a terrible holiday season with huge cancellations due to lack of crews, which they blamed on WX. They have no credibility with their own employees, and their customers are ready to go elsewhere, if they can. Sounds wonderful.

And, it is great that you "laugh out loud" every time you see our DL CEO stating we will keep the name of our newly merged carrier if it happens. Hey, it is printed that way, and to say he is lying is saying the author misquoted him. Was he misquoted? To say you know otherwise is really laughable. Only he knows what will happen, and he stated it in the press. You can laugh at me about that, but it is in writing, and you have NOTHING to support that NOT happening. Nothing. If someone asked what a potential name would be--we can point to something tangible (an actual quote) and say "well, he thinks it will stay Delta." You can't say anything otherwise, because you have NOTHING in writing backing you and your silly notion up. Until he says otherwise, we have to think he will go that way. Prove your notion, if you can. (you can't)

AA and NW? Ever thought about which large hub in the Midwest WILL GO if that happens? MSP, ORD, and DTW. Pick one. There would NOT be three large hubs all next to each other. Go ahead smart guy, tell me. It won't happen--too many jobs lost, and the local politicians will be all over that. Even that Credit Suisse analyst said that would be detrimental to AA eventually if that ever happened.

You seem to zero in on the Asia Pacific routes, as if they are the ultimate thing out there. They are nice, and we are adding routes there as fast as we can. But, you seem to forget we at Delta rule the Atlantic, carrying more people across than any carrier (CAL has mostly 757s, while we have mostly widebodies, hence we carry more pax). We also are the only American airline going to Africa, and we are second behind AA going to South America, with a better hub in ATL for connecting (without having to speak Spanish in Miami). We added 50 INTL cities last year alone, and go to Dubai and Mumbai too---both lucrative routes. How about Johanesburg? Ever heard of that? Do you really think we are a regional airline? We also go to Tokyo, Seoul, and soon Shanghai. We are getting more 777 LRs, and we now have rights to Singapore, New Zealand, and Samoa. (Australia is a good bet with current open skies negotiations with that country). If NWA or UAL don't work out, we will probably add service to many places in Asia anyway. You need to really think more before you post. You aren't even close to reality, dad.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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Nobody knew who Delta was in 1991 when Delta Acquired the Pan Am routes for a way bigger price tag than they were worth. Now Delta is a leader across the Atlantic and ALOT OF PEOPLE KNOW DELTA all over Europe. So the name thing could go either way but I would say the Delta brand may edge the NWA brand out. It could go the other way however just as people have stated that if it were United and Delta, Delta would lose the name. However I think the management at DL will negotiate to keep the DL name. Just my opinion

Northwest's employees HATE their management. Who would they want to keep if DL acquired them? I bet Delta's. United's management wants OUT. So, who would lead that potential acquisition? Delta. If we had the management, what do you think our management would want to call the airline? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Northwest's employees HATE their management. Who would they want to keep if DL acquired them? I bet Delta's. United's management wants OUT. So, who would lead that potential acquisition? Delta. If we had the management, what do you think our management would want to call the airline? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Bye Bye--General Lee

I'll bet they would call it:

Northwest's employees HATE their management. Who would they want to keep if DL acquired them? I bet Delta's. United's management wants OUT. So, who would lead that potential acquisition? Delta. If we had the management, what do you think our management would want to call the airline? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Bye Bye--General Lee

I swear, I think they have some sort of "Stepford Wives" thing going on over there on Virginia Ave. I think the lobotomy must be scheduled in indoc somewhere between "How to button a double breasted coat" and "How to walk like you have a broom handle stuck up your butt". For a group of guys who have seen a long string of bad management teams (up to, but most definitely not including, Grinstein), you put way way too much faith in your leadership. You might want to research Anderson's resume a little before you decide to put all your eggs in that particular basket. If you honestly think Mr. Anderson wouldn't sell you down the river for one iota of increased value to the shareholders or an extra million or two in his own pocket, you really learned nothing from the Ron Allens and Leo Mullins of the world.
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we are watching the current open skies talks with Australia going on right now.
Bye Bye--General Lee

What is the carrot for those? We maybe get a few more routes there, and in exchange they get the right to hop scotch all over our country? Hardly worth it just for a couple AUssie routes. And if they dangle the ability for us to hopscotch their country, well, what a friggin joke that is. They get to raid our city pairs and we get to go between Sydney and Perth? What a rip off. What could they possibly be offering, and what would they want to get it? I don't like the sound of those talks.
I swear, I think they have some sort of "Stepford Wives" thing going on over there on Virginia Ave. I think the lobotomy must be scheduled in indoc somewhere between "How to button a double breasted coat" and "How to walk like you have a broom handle stuck up your butt". For a group of guys who have seen a long string of bad management teams (up to, but most definitely not including, Grinstein), you put way way too much faith in your leadership. You might want to research Anderson's resume a little before you decide to put all your eggs in that particular basket. If you honestly think Mr. Anderson wouldn't sell you down the river for one iota of increased value to the shareholders or an extra million or two in his own pocket, you really learned nothing from the Ron Allens and Leo Mullins of the world.

Yes, we have had some bad management, but overall, we have one major union. One. Is that because everyone else is ignorant? No, they treat the ATL people nice enough to get 51% of the vote each time a union vote comes up (atleast on the stew side). Overall, our employees trust our management. (I didn't say the pilots believe that) ALL OF NORTHWEST'S EMPLOYEES HATE NWA MANAGEMENT. How many times have they struck or threatened to strike?

So, based on the above which is undeniable, then how would the NWA employees like to have their own management replaced? I bet they would. But, you don't think so?? Okay then.

And, Anderson is an enigma for us since he is new. We have heard from more than one source that he is "fair." He obviously is an airline guy (leaving United Healthcare), which is better than Leo Mullin, who was a banker. Ron Allen was a ramper that moved up to CEO. Anderson may be tough as nails and an ex-Lorenzo counsel, but he has yet to screw us over. I guess there always could be a first time, just like when you eventually kiss a girl.

Bye Bye--General Lee
But, you seem to forget we at Delta rule the Atlantic, carrying more people across than any carrier (CAL has mostly 757s, while we have mostly widebodies, hence we carry more pax).

Bye Bye--General Lee

I got it now.....you drive a BIG truck too, don't you:laugh:
What is the carrot for those? We maybe get a few more routes there, and in exchange they get the right to hop scotch all over our country? Hardly worth it just for a couple AUssie routes. And if they dangle the ability for us to hopscotch their country, well, what a friggin joke that is. They get to raid our city pairs and we get to go between Sydney and Perth? What a rip off. What could they possibly be offering, and what would they want to get it? I don't like the sound of those talks.

Well, of course we won't agree to that, but that was the same type of bargaining the EU tried before they agreed to the current Open Skies agreement--which helped all of the legacies get into LHR. Right now three airlines from Australia go to the US or are applying to: Jetstar (Melbourne to Honolulu on A330s), Qantas, and Virgin Blue (or just called Blue--flying 777-300ERs upcoming). Just as United flies intra Australia right now--Sydney onto Melbourne, originating in LAX---Qantas flies from LAX onto JFK, originating in SYD. I have a feeling the Open Skies talks will turn to "let's get more people flying from the US to Australia--period."

Bye Bye--General Lee
I got it now.....you drive a BIG truck too, don't you:laugh:

Yes, yes I do, and maybe a 747 sooner than later. Can't wait.

Bye Bye--General Lee

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