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Air Inc- Waist of money?

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Come on Rez, I just gave a definitive answer to the debate on the college degree thing so we could all move on to other topics. Had it all put to bed and done with.

Now you go and throw more variables into the mix and people are going to continue to beat this dead horse!

⌐ FLYER;1189231 said:

As far as AirInc – it has worked for some but for some people if hasn’t – it’s all about your attitude, your timing, but you’ll also need some luck. I’d also recommend a slightly unusual approach – the last job fair I went to was a women-in-aviation seminar. I’m a white guy, but I figured why not? Well, I’ve been to several AirInc job fairs but personally I think this is much better. I think so for numerous reasons but mainly because you’ll have more time available to you when talking to the recruiters - the line behind you just isn’t that long. ;) Oh, and it worked – 2 weeks later I interviewed and got the job! Good luck to you!

Ditto on the WAI. Their membership is cheap, and their conference is muy bueno, also much better than an AIR, Inc. in my opinion. Believe it or not, being a guy at WAI doesn't seem to faze any of the recruiters...in fact, it's probably one of the few times in aviation where you'll actually be more likely to be REMEMBERED for being male. Not that they think you're weird/perverted for going...after all, Chuck Yeager is one of the many male members. LOTS of opportunities not only to go and shake hands, but also to go to the social events/dinners that are at WAI, where you never know who you're going to run into...
"Their membership is cheap"

I actually went without joining, just paid for the seminar itself. Good luck either way.

Btw. next conference is in Feb in Orlando. www.wai.org
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Money Belts

Is waist of money the same as Money Belt? All kidding aside, Air Inc is something you should do at least once. Particularly a military coming into the civilian market.
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