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Air Inc- Waist of money?

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This is the perfect example of why pilots these days are not considered professionals. This guy can't spell worth a dime (he made this same mistake twice). Dude, did you almost flunk out of high school, skip college, then have daddy pay for your flight academy?

And you wonder why some airlines consider a college degree "highly perferred". Too weed out saps like this!

Please educate yourself.

Sorry I pooped in all your Cheerios. I'm not the best speller, but I'm careful to spell check things when it's critical. I made it through college with a spell check...worked well for me. Thanks for the criticism, I'll make sure my resumes and paperwork are spell checked.
I don't think airlines should require pilots to have a 4 year degree. High school, yes. College is definitely not that important when it deals with flying.
I don't think airlines should require pilots to have a 4 year degree. High school, yes. College is definitely not that important when it deals with flying.

By you saying that, you proved my point exactly.

Obviously actual flying of an airplane can be mastered strictly with a high school diploma, in today's automated systems probably a well trained monkey could get you from point A to B. Having a 4 year degree and being educated goes well beyond being strictly a button pusher in the cockpit - a major airline that's going to have you for many years as their pilot wants you to be an ambassador. They're thinking "OK, in 10 years this guy is going to be a captain for us...how is he going to be able to communicate with pax, media, etc..." They want a professional - and while a person without a college degree can still be professional - having that 4 year degree just helps increase that dynamic in an individual. Instructordude, your thinking is way shortsided. Think big picture, outside the box.
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Skaff – don’t sweat it, spell-check works pretty well, and you’ll be surprised to see how many pilots aren’t the best spellers and how many are dyslectic.

“I’ll make sure my resumes and paperwork are spell checked.”

Very important - I cannot emphasize enough to have your resume and your cover letter checked for spelling (and grammar) - I used to help out with recruiting at a small regional and they actually frowned upon people who couldn’t spell (I’m not talking one tiny error, some resumes were truly horrendous). They did it mainly because they were afraid the person wouldn’t pay attention to details; obviously very critical for an airline pilot.

As far as AirInc – it has worked for some but for some people if hasn’t – it’s all about your attitude, your timing, but you’ll also need some luck. I’d also recommend a slightly unusual approach – the last job fair I went to was a women-in-aviation seminar. I’m a white guy, but I figured why not? Well, I’ve been to several AirInc job fairs but personally I think this is much better. I think so for numerous reasons but mainly because you’ll have more time available to you when talking to the recruiters - the line behind you just isn’t that long. ;) Oh, and it worked – 2 weeks later I interviewed and got the job! Good luck to you!
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By you saying that, you proved my point exactly.

Obviously actual flying of an airplane can be mastered strictly with a high school diploma, in today's automated systems probably a well trained monkey could probably get you from point A to B. Having a 4 year degree and being educated goes well beyond being strictly a button pusher in the cockpit - a major airline that's going to have you for many years as their pilot wants you to be an ambassador. They're thinking "OK, in 10 years this guy is going to be a captain for us...how is he going to be able to communicate with pax, media, etc..." They want a professional - and while a person without a college degree can still be professional - having that 4 year degree just helps increase that dynamic in an individual. Instructordude, your thinking is way shortsided. Think big picture, outside the box.

I see your points. I would favor those with degrees but I don't think one who has achieved that will make a better monkey button pusher or communicater( Think car salesman, slick bastards).

I do believe a degree gives one a broader view about the world and how it works. To me, this translates into an individual who will be able to deal with different folks and backgrounds. They'll be able to understand and deal with the crew and paxs better. Also, although I don't have the stats, people with degrees tend to live healthier and make better life descions.
College or univeristy was designed to give a person a much better understanding of how the world works, allow the student to practice discipline and have a open mind.

Now our college is very skill specific and doesn't allow for the above.

Sorry you got hammered for spelling... I think it says more about them than you...
By you saying that, you proved my point exactly.

Obviously actual flying of an airplane can be mastered strictly with a high school diploma, in today's automated systems probably a well trained monkey could get you from point A to B. Having a 4 year degree and being educated goes well beyond being strictly a button pusher in the cockpit - a major airline that's going to have you for many years as their pilot wants you to be an ambassador. They're thinking "OK, in 10 years this guy is going to be a captain for us...how is he going to be able to communicate with pax, media, etc..." They want a professional - and while a person without a college degree can still be professional - having that 4 year degree just helps increase that dynamic in an individual. Instructordude, your thinking is way shortsided. Think big picture, outside the box.

So how did all those old school guys that flew back in the day with no college do it? Face it, many of them didn't have college. Flying piston or very basic jet aircraft over long distances using ground based nav aids or celestial, no autopilot, had to manually manage their fuel situation, ect. I mean, good grief. It's amazing they didn't crash more airplanes back then since guys didn't have degrees in swabbing the money dispenser on an ATM or basket weaving.

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