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Age 65

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Due respect to the 65+, 70+ crowd for whom this may be true;

No other profession involves what you suggest.

There is ZERO logic to age limits. As long as one can meet the checkride and medical standards, then they should be able to fly for a living.

Arguments that are in favor of age limits are purely based on emotion.
No other profession involves what you suggest.

There is ZERO logic to age limits. As long as one can meet the checkride and medical standards, then they should be able to fly for a living.

Arguments that are in favor of age limits are purely based on emotion.

I emotionally don't want to fly with someone who can't perform as well as a younger pilot.
nice one yip, but if you've flown with some of the 70+ yr wonders you would retract that
Me too I have flown with 40- that should not be in a cockpit, in fact, I sometimes give them their last flight at my airline.

I emotionally don't want to fly with someone who can't perform as well as a younger pilot.
I have the same issue, I get upset flying with pilots that can not perform, except I find it is the younger ones who fly the perfect ILS, but they don't have the big picture, they have not been there done that yet.
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Netjets is coming out with a rule that two 60+ cant fly together? interesting

Can't say I've heard this one. Anyone notice this new form of discrimination coincides with this new generation who not only wants it now, but wants it from someone else?

All I can say is I will retire when I am ready to. The sooner the young ones accept that, the more likely they won't stress themselves into a heart attack and may get to work till well after I'm long gone-if they choose to.
This thread comes up about every 6 months. Nobody is going to change anyone's mind. To the young guys, be careful what you wish for. It may turn out to not be what you really want.
Pervis, Go back and read what RJ Bum wrote: " new rule coming of no 60+ pairings in a 2 man crew". No pissing contest here. Just wondering if this was fact. Fly until your 90, who cares.
Pervis, Go back and read what RJ Bum wrote: " new rule coming of no 60+ pairings in a 2 man crew". No pissing contest here. Just wondering if this was fact. Fly until your 90, who cares.

Not pissing at all. I just haven't heard of any rule making that will affect Fractionals-yet. It's a 121 thing. I would assume this would be all over company recurrent if there was anything that would. Then again...........
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Can't say I've heard this one. Anyone notice this new form of discrimination coincides with this new generation who not only wants it now, but wants it from someone else?

All I can say is I will retire when I am ready to. The sooner the young ones accept that, the more likely they won't stress themselves into a heart attack and may get to work till well after I'm long gone-if they choose to.

You've gotta be kidding me.......... Those of us on the street could say that those of you "doing this job for fun" are taking from us. I know a couple of guys out there doing this for fun, good pensions, health care, etc. I respect their right to continue to do so, but it IS coming at my expense.

Frankly I don't care when you guys retire as long as you can still throw bags and see the screens without turning them up so bright that people on the ground can see them while we're at 410. The stories are good and the overall attitude is fun to be around. I just don't want to hear about you doing this job for "something to get you out of the house" because "you earned it". So did we...

The most recent of the NJA hires went through an intensive interview with a less tan 30% hire rate (judging from mine, and several friends interview classes). Anyone in this seniority range EARNED the job, just as those of you who were there pre - '05 EARNED a respectable place to work that wasn't the time builder many of you came to Netjets for (quick upgrade, get my 1000 PIC and go to Delta, United, etc).

I know this will rub lots of you the wrong way, but I guarantee I'm not the only one thinking it. This entire thread is a ridiculous can of worms that wouldn't have been touched without tone of furloughed guys out there.

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