I LOVE this sentence:
"These experts have also testified that, to the extent further testing may be desirable, cardiac stress tests, enhanced blood work-ups, and neurological screening could be added to the standard battery of Class I tests for all pilots."
Let's open up that Pandora's box.
Undaunted, I'm glad to see you continuing to push for the change in spite of the fact that any change will not effect you; you will be retired on 29 Jan 07. Maybe you can effect some change in 2025. Just wait until 2021; I'd like to retire at 60.
Let's open up that Pandora's box.
Undaunted, I'm glad to see you continuing to push for the change in spite of the fact that any change will not effect you; you will be retired on 29 Jan 07. Maybe you can effect some change in 2025. Just wait until 2021; I'd like to retire at 60.