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Age 60 informal poll

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Abolish the Age 60 Rule for other that Part 91 pilots?

  • Yea

    Votes: 668 35.5%
  • Nay

    Votes: 1,214 64.5%

  • Total voters
Originally Posted by Klako
I have sent out at least 100 job applications without success. I can tell you that nobody wants to hire a 60 year old pilot and ex soldier

GuppyWN said:
Anybody else see the irony in this statement?


Yes, in that ageism and age discrimination is a severe problem in this country.
Klako said:
I retired in 1989 after 2o years active duty including 11 years over seas including Vietnam. Retirement for an Army CW4 gives me about $2,000 per mo.

And you were worried about medical insurance? FOUL!!
I've posted the annual payment for retirees for Tricare; it's $460/yr for an entire family. I pay over $250/mo for Tricare Reserve Select.

And your premise to raise the retirement age was that you can't afford health insurance? BAH! What else have you been less than honest about on this board?
Klako said:
Yes, in that ageism and age discrimination is a severe problem in this country.
No it isn't.

On second thought, you're right. It seems my 8 year old wants to be a fire fighter, but they won't take him because they say he's "too young." Where's that number for the ACLU?
Sluggo_63 said:
It seems my 8 year old wants to be a fire fighter, but they won't take him because they say he's "too young." Where's that number for the ACLU?
I think if your 8 year old can pass all the requirements for a firefighter in your community (H.S graduate, ht/wt standards, and completion the physical fitness eval) he has EVERY right to apply for a position as one.

Not only that, but I feel that as long as he can perform to whatever standards that apply to firefighters, he should be entitled to stay at the job.

Of course, that will make him senior to kids who were born at the same time he was, but waited until they were 10 or 11 to become firefighters. But why should your son be penalized or forced into early retirement for their tardiness in applying for the job?
Whistlin' Dan said:
I think if your 8 year old can pass all the requirements for a firefighter in your community (H.S graduate, ht/wt standards, and completion the physical fitness eval) he has EVERY right to apply for a position as one.
Whoa there. Height/Weight standards? Isn't that discriminatory? I think there have been plenty of lawsuits that have proven that. I'll give you a hint. Next time you're at work, turn to your right and pop open that reinforced door. Look who's walking down the isle.

So, if the weight standard is 220 lbs. max for a firefighter, and I'm 221, I'm not fit? How about 225? 250? 300? There's a line drawn in the sand there somewhere, right? It's there (was there) for a reason, and probably needs to be. Right?
Whistlin' Dan said:
Of course, that will make him senior to kids who were born at the same time he was, but waited until they were 10 or 11 to become firefighters. But why should your son be penalized or forced into early retirement for their tardiness in applying for the job?
I don't know why they waited so long to apply. It's their tardiness/lack of planning that got them where they are. My son can't help it if those other kids were out buying the coolest, most expensive toys for the sandbox; or if those other kids were spending all their money courting little Sally down the street (they should have learned their lesson when little Jane took half of their allowance money). Now they want to be a cool fireman? They should have thought about all that before.

By the way, why am I being penalized for your tardiness in applying for a job?
Age 60 retirement was never right. I love not having to go to work anymore but 26 years ago when I started my airline career thought it would be fixed by now. It will be soon. Now even the FAA is going neutral on the issue. ICAO's new Nov ruling will start the change. Can you imagine every country except US can land at JFK with a 61 year old captain?
bubbers44 said:
Can you imagine every country except US can land at JFK with a 61 year old captain?

There is now an “uneven playing field” that is unfair to United States air carrier pilots. This is because the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) now gives an advantage to domestic FAR Part 135, FAR Part 91 and foreign air carriers. The FAA now permits pilots who are over the age of 60 to pilot the same types of large airplanes in FAR Parts 91 (general aviation) and 135 (air taxi) operations that it denies in United States FAR Part 121 (commercial air carrier) operations. Beginning on 23 November 2006, foreign air carriers will be allowed to operate large aircraft engaged in commercial air carrier operations within United States airspace and some of those aircraft will be the piloted by pilots that are over the age of 60. United States FAR Part 121 pilots, however, who are over age 60 will all still be grounded unless the Congress passes Senate Bill S.65. This bill would coincide with the new international standard recently adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Bill S.65 now proceeds to the full Senate for its consideration. There is a companion bill in House of Representatives, H.R.65 that was introduced by Congressman Jim Gibbons (R-Nevada).
Klako said:
I have the solution for the hypocritical junior airline pilots out there who say that a change to the age 60 rule would be unfair to them by slowing upgrades and causing seniority list stagnation. I say then, make it mandatory for ALL airline pilots to retire after serving no more than 20 years with a company or age 65 whichever comes first. If you hire on with a company at age 25, and then you are kicked out of the cockpit when you turn age 45 or if you hire on at 45, you retire at 65. That would be equally fair to all by giving everyone just enough time to build their 401K with enough to survive on in retirement. Fair enough?

Why no comments on this idea?
Klako said:
Why no comments on this idea?

Howz about 'cuz it's stoopid? Why would we want to lower safety standards just so pilots over 60 can continue to fly? The increased risk of having pilots with decreased physical and cognitive abilities is not worth it. Just look how many times I've told you that this law won't pass before you hit age 60? Just look at where the bill is at in the House. It's as good as dead.

Now Klako, how about a comment on this:

Andy said:
And you were worried about medical insurance? FOUL!!
I've posted the annual payment for retirees for Tricare; it's $460/yr for an entire family. I pay over $250/mo for Tricare Reserve Select.
https://www.hnfs.net/NR/rdonlyres/5FC106D4-7E4E-4443-AF4E-59EB2B629F53/0/TRC_Costs_Summary_final_07_25_06.pdf#search=%22tri care%20retiree%20cost%22

And your premise to raise the retirement age was that you can't afford health insurance? BAH! What else have you been less than honest about on this board?
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