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Age 60 informal poll

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Abolish the Age 60 Rule for other that Part 91 pilots?

  • Yea

    Votes: 668 35.5%
  • Nay

    Votes: 1,214 64.5%

  • Total voters
ivauir said:
Spare us the finger pointing ... the greediest generation ever is making a full court press to make sure that their career is longer and more profitable that any ever before - at the expence of the junior pilots.

Get off of your high horse and offer ALPA a compromise (eg over 60 = FO). In the mean time don't even try to pretend to be motivated by anything other than the greed you are so readily to see in others.

So it is OK to force an experienced pilot into poverty (No pension, no medical plan and only a small 401K), just so a younger pilot can move up the seniority list a bit faster.

Why is it that some do not understand what real greed is?

You must have been screwed by AA and the APA too... or at least a close relative of the SNB's. We oldsters need to get this thing through congress so we can retire and afford a six pack of beer with our geritol once a week.
Klako, your video of Blakely indicates that she is bowing to political pressures to use the word neutral. The Federal Air Surgeon's office is opposed to the change based on decreased safety.
Like it or not, a 61 year old pilot is more at risk than a 51 year old pilot. The previous FAS stated that the J curve occurs at age 55 and rises significantly past 55.

All of this moot anyway; HR 65 has been bottled up in subcommittee since the day after it was introduced in Jan 05. It's good as dead; here's a link:
(make sure that the colon on the end is added)
This puppy ain't gonna be departing subcommittee during the 109th congress; it's gonna die in committee. If you need an education on the legislative process, use this link:

You're wasting your energy when you could be working on other job skills that you can use once you turn 60.
Klako said:
So it is OK to force an experienced pilot into poverty (No pension, no medical plan and only a small 401K), just so a younger pilot can move up the seniority list a bit faster.

Why is it that some do not understand what real greed is?

Rik717pilot said:

You must have been screwed by AA and the APA too... or at least a close relative of the SNB's. We oldsters need to get this thing through congress so we can retire and afford a six pack of beer with our geritol once a week.

The TWA guys really did get the shaft from AMR. Pan Am and TWA were the last of the truly world class airlines, sad to see them go. No, I only flew in the Army and with regional airlines. My company does not have a defined benefit plan, only our individual 401K. I saved enough for my three daughters to finish college, I have no bills, managed to save some and I will have my house paid for. It is the medical insurance premiums that will kill me.

I have sent out at least 100 job applications without success. I can tell you that nobody wants to hire a 60 year old pilot and ex soldier. If I could fly for just another two years, I would be OK, but if the age 60 rule does not pass by 11 Dec 2006, I am toast!
If I could fly for just another two years, I would be OK, but if the age 60 rule does not pass by 11 Dec 2006, I am toast!

Cry me a river. If you're working at a regional, you could work at just about any job outside aviation for five years and make what you would have made in "just another two years" of flying. Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket.:rolleyes:
So it is OK to force an experienced pilot into poverty (No pension, no medical plan and only a small 401K

Yep. It's a tough lesson to learn, but life ain't fair. If the age is increased legally then I'll have to beeatch for awhile and then move on. You will garner zero support by puling and sobbing about how bad you've had it. And if you aren't trying to garner support you're merely annoying.
Klako said:
I have sent out at least 100 job applications without success. I can tell you that nobody wants to hire a 60 year old pilot and ex soldier

Anybody else see the irony in this statement?

Klako said:
The TWA guys really did get the shaft from AMR. Pan Am and TWA were the last of the truly world class airlines, sad to see them go. No, I only flew in the Army and with regional airlines. My company does not have a defined benefit plan, only our individual 401K. I saved enough for my three daughters to finish college, I have no bills, managed to save some and I will have my house paid for. It is the medical insurance premiums that will kill me.

I have sent out at least 100 job applications without success. I can tell you that nobody wants to hire a 60 year old pilot and ex soldier. If I could fly for just another two years, I would be OK, but if the age 60 rule does not pass by 11 Dec 2006, I am toast!

Cry me a f'in river. Pal, you're f'ed. They ain't changing the age 60 rule before your a$$ is toast. You'd better start consolidating your fecal matter and get a plan B formulated.

Klako, you don't give a rat's a$$ about safety; it's all about the dollars for you. You would likely not admit that your eyesight is getting worse, your reflexes are deteriorating, and your cognitive abilities are in decline. I notice the aging process in my body and I'm more than a decade younger than you. If you're too blind to see the changes, then you're not safe at any speed. Retire before you kill a bunch of people.
I'm 45 (almost 46) and furloughed from UAL. I'll likely never see the left seat at UAL (I'm not going to waste my time chasing other pilot jobs; I've seen too many suckers go from one crash'n burn airline to another... I'll stick with this crash'n burn airline). I won't pull down big bux flying airplanes, but I've still got a retirement plan in place. Why the fork didn't you wake up and smell the java a decade ago?
I have two kids; a third is on the way (yeah, I'm a moron). The first is in college ($37K/yr tuition; it ain't no junior college), the second will be in college in 4 years.
In spite of everything, I save money (max 401k, max IRA), pay my bills and pay for college for my kid.
Because I live within my f'in paycheck. I NEVER worry about bouncing a check because I have a pad in my checking account. I always pay off my credit card bills. I have no car payments because I drive a $hitbox. I wear cheap clothes, have cheap furniture, eat cheap food, and don't go out on the town very much. I live in a $hithole apartment, but it's well within my means. I live a cheap life.

You've publically admitted that you're a dumba$$ because you haven't factored in medical insurance. 100 applications? Any of them to Walmart? I'm pretty sure that they've got medical coverage.

Folks, learn from Klako. Don't be a Klako. Have a plan; have a backup plan; live well within your means; don't count on your company's pension plan. And don't be an Andy and have a bunch of kids. My own fault; I love kids (not in THAT way, you perv!)

Klako, I suggest that you move your dumb a$$ to some banana republic where the cost of living is low and the charge is two chickens for a visit to the doctor. I'm not kidding.
The beauty of staying the reserves, is at age 60 you get Tri-Care for life. It is a great benefit. The extra money each month is not bad also.

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