You care. So do your colleagues. Otherwise they wouldn't be continually bashing Eagle and blaming its pilots for your problems such as the APA did in its scope presentation to the NMB:
Need your opinion on something. Scenario: Pilot from airline A attacks pilot from airline B. Pilot from airline B counter-attacks then the Communication Chairman of airline A's pilot union accuses the pilot from airline B of being a trouble-maker. This same Communication's representative never, ever disagrees with his own pilots no matter how ludicrous their statements or the veracity of their position. What do you think of a person who acts like that? Should they be trusted as being honest and unbiased or should it be understood they are simply another propaganda instrument of their union; Good cop/bad cop sort of thing?
Add: Pilot C (me)... does not really give a crap, because Pilot C (again, me) actually has a life outside of the airlines and these boards.
So, to answer your question, no, I don't really care about all the name calling, and I've never been one to bash AE pilots. If APA does, not my problem, and certainly not yours, either - but you choose to make it so.