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70-seat RJ's flying for CAL

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With all due respect; actually screw the respect....That piece of crap you fly is nothing like a DC-9. Do not even put the CRJ or ERJ in the same sentence as the DC-9 no matter what version we are talking about. The DC-9 was a mainline aircraft that was tough as sh%t. The "punks" are the backpack wearing, ipod sporting, gelled up hair dudes you most often find flying the RJ's. Some have moved on to mainline airlines and are slow to lose the "dude" look but that is what pisses off most mainline pilots. Sorry so many really great professional pilots flying at the regionals while they await mainline hiring have to be labeled as "punks" due to the actions of a growing minority of their peers.

So true!
CAL has no work rules expect FARs.... CAL's current contract is a joke (except scope) and we still have pilots here at CAL that still don't get it...


I hope you are involved in supporting your union as much as you biatch and complain here. Crying aint going to change a thing. Involvement, education, and communication will!

If your not involved, your just another face in the crowd.
I hope you are involved in supporting your union as much as you biatch and complain here. Crying aint going to change a thing. Involvement, education, and communication will!

If your not involved, your just another face in the crowd.

Involved in what union? They do nothing but buckle and help out the company whenever possible to further the careers of a few union officials who have dreams of being in management. Just look at the ALPA and CALALPA track record if you think I'm just spinning my wheels. Sell out after sell out. Should I start a list?

I pay my dues every month. I dont have to do anything with my union, I already do enough. Those union people who do volunteer and do "more for the union" then thats fine, thats THEIR choice. Me, I'd just assume pay my dues and not waste my time. ALPA is a joke, CALALPA is a joke. Want me to care? Want me to be involved? Want my to change my attitude? Lets see how ALPA does with our JCBA. If they do right by us, then I might start to have some faith and support my union. But until then, I blame them more then anyone for the current plight of the airline pilot. Anyone who allows scabs back into the union simply to get more votes to bring ALPA back on property has their priorities mixed up. Talk about hypocracy. ALPA at its finest.
Come on......

Have you spent much time on the XJT forum in the last year? There's enough CAL hate on that forum to last a lifetime. I'm sure most of the posters there don't spew their shieet when they're beggin for a free ride on CAL either.

I've spent time on both flightdecks and have seen both sides of this equation. I can honestly say that I was surprised by how little XJT bashing went on when I left XJT for CAL. The bottom 3rd of the CAL list is comprised of a shocking number of former CoEx/XJT pilots......The disgust runs deep in both pilot groups and neither can claim the moral high ground in this debate.

In the end, we generally treat each other with respect when JS'ing and that's the way it should be. Forum trash talking is just that.....read it, laugh, get pissed but then move on.....

Understood I guess I would like to see some
more solidarity amongst the groups and less divisive bullish!t. This babble about RJ drivers stealing mainline flying is a bit absurd and so is saying that mainline carriers are a thing of the past. Let's right the ship or this industry is truly screwed. Shame on management for putting it out for bid it's time for the B scale to end. Shut the select few guys up that can't wait to get their hands on larger airplanes at the regional level. Do what you can and hold the line. I'll thank you for it someday in the bar when I can afford to enjoy a drink with you.
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Involved in what union? They do nothing but buckle and help out the company whenever possible to further the careers of a few union officials who have dreams of being in management. Just look at the ALPA and CALALPA track record if you think I'm just spinning my wheels. Sell out after sell out. Should I start a list?

I pay my dues every month. I dont have to do anything with my union, I already do enough. Those union people who do volunteer and do "more for the union" then thats fine, thats THEIR choice. Me, I'd just assume pay my dues and not waste my time. ALPA is a joke, CALALPA is a joke. Want me to care? Want me to be involved? Want my to change my attitude? Lets see how ALPA does with our JCBA. If they do right by us, then I might start to have some faith and support my union. But until then, I blame them more then anyone for the current plight of the airline pilot. Anyone who allows scabs back into the union simply to get more votes to bring ALPA back on property has their priorities mixed up. Talk about hypocracy. ALPA at its finest.

You ARE the union! What you do with it, and what you get out of it is up to you.
Dear IAHERJ ..

Your comment..
"Sit on reserve by choice about month a year.
Zero "A" converted to "B"
Zero days in crew room
Zero quick calls"

..seems a bit ignorant, since the only thing that is saving you and your QOL right now is your seniority.. Most reserves here:
DO sit res not by choice..
DO get converted A to B..
DO sit in the crew room..
DO get quick calls..
So again it's ONLY because of your seniority that you don't deal w BS here, NOT because of your glorious contract and work rules (as you make it sound)..

With all due respect,,
You fellow coworker..

I somewhat agree with your statement and hope you have NOT read in my posts that I am somewhat proud of our contract. Believe me, I AM NOT. Yes, a month or 2 a year I bid reserve out of choice due to the base and equipment status I am in being a good place to use reserve as a month vacation. I just completed my Fall month of reserve and it bit me in the butt. I was used on (2) 3 day trips and a day trip. Not what I was after. I know things are vastly different on the 737 or on the 757/767 in EWR. I will never vote for a contract that doesn't seriously address our reserve rules at CAL among many other things. I've got about half a year's income saved up so I'm ready to walk for longer than they can afford us to be away. I will not be a party to the continued degrogation of this profession if I can help it. When we merge, you and I could very well end up having to change equipment and move to another base. I look at a contract from the worst case scenario when I think about my vote. I will look at it as if I'm going to be the most junior reserve 737 or Airbus FO commuting to reserve at a base far away. If the contract takes care of that position, it can only get better moving up the seniority list.
I somewhat agree with your statement and hope you have NOT read in my posts that I am somewhat proud of our contract. Believe me, I AM NOT. Yes, a month or 2 a year I bid reserve out of choice due to the base and equipment status I am in being a good place to use reserve as a month vacation. I just completed my Fall month of reserve and it bit me in the butt. I was used on (2) 3 day trips and a day trip. Not what I was after. I know things are vastly different on the 737 or on the 757/767 in EWR. I will never vote for a contract that doesn't seriously address our reserve rules at CAL among many other things. I've got about half a year's income saved up so I'm ready to walk for longer than they can afford us to be away. I will not be a party to the continued degrogation of this profession if I can help it. When we merge, you and I could very well end up having to change equipment and move to another base. I look at a contract from the worst case scenario when I think about my vote. I will look at it as if I'm going to be the most junior reserve 737 or Airbus FO commuting to reserve at a base far away. If the contract takes care of that position, it can only get better moving up the seniority list.

So what about the guys who are junior to you? You don't care about us? We don't really matter? Please tell me that I'm misreading your post.
You are misreading his posts. He is saying he is putting himself in someone more junior's position.

You could stand to relax somewhat....
So what about the guys who are junior to you? You don't care about us? We don't really matter? Please tell me that I'm misreading your post.

Please re-read my post. Of course I'm thinking of you! How could I not. All you and I have to work with right now is our vote when a TA finally comes out for a vote. What I'm saying is that I will look at that TA as if I'm a heck of a lot more junior than I am because what is good for the most junior at the company tends to flow up at a steep gradient, historically speaking.
With all due respect; actually screw the respect....That piece of crap you fly is nothing like a DC-9. Do not even put the CRJ or ERJ in the same sentence as the DC-9 no matter what version we are talking about. The DC-9 was a mainline aircraft that was tough as sh%t. The "punks" are the backpack wearing, ipod sporting, gelled up hair dudes you most often find flying the RJ's. Some have moved on to mainline airlines and are slow to lose the "dude" look but that is what pisses off most mainline pilots. Sorry so many really great professional pilots flying at the regionals while they await mainline hiring have to be labeled as "punks" due to the actions of a growing minority of their peers.

Hmm are you talking about the CAL Captain walking around IAH with his shirt untucked, his glasses on sideways and a handlebar mustache?

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