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70-seat RJ's flying for CAL

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Update your avatar with your face so I know you when I see you the next time I am jumpseating.

And while your at list your social, date of birth, mothers maiden name, and favorite password. There is room in your avatar to tell more of your life story.
Thanks for listing your resume in your profile.

I however only have listed Boeing as that is all you need to know.

Ask me a technical Boeing question if you want to verify my credibility.

Give me a break. I put it out there who I work for. You refuse to do so because all you have ever done on this board is throw bombs. Did you not get hired at the airline you wanted to work for sweetheart? I'm sure you'll do well out there in the real world. Not wasting any more time arguing with someone who wants to "answer technical questions" about boeing aircraft to prove he works for a real airline. Guess what? There are a lot of scumbag airlines out there that operate Boeings. A lot of defunct airlines as well. Sorry you hate the fact that some young guys got on with CAL during the last hiring spree and you didn't. Enjoy XJT or wherever you are....Google might help you answer some Boeing 'Q's....
Anonymity is the name of the game at FI.com

You want to list your resume and personal info go for it.

And the reason you do not throw bombs is because you like CAL at is regional contract. Enjoy thinking you are getting paid to sit around as you sit reserve.

How many airport alert days did you spend in the crew room?

How many A days got converted to B? How many quick calls? How many day off in Europe did you get last year?

And why are you still sitting reserve after six years? Shouldn't you be a widebody captain by now?
IAHERJ is hoping CAL gets the 70 seat flying back so he can upgrade for the first time and get a PIC type instead of all the SIC types he lists.
Sit on reserve by choice about month a year.
Zero "A" converted to "B"
Zero days in crew room
Zero quick calls
Never sat in Europe on a reserve trip this year.
Will be a widebody captain when I get there. You, my friend, are nobody anymore. You are about as important to me as the guy who goes through my recycling bin every other week looking for something to might get him closer to a bottle of Wild Irish Rose at the store down the street. For someone who just has to remain completely anonymous, you sure have a beef with CAL. Why is that? Good luck going forward. Seriously. It must be tough....
I wonder how IAHERJ gets any experience being a cruise pilot?

Do you secretly pull out your fourth strip when the captain leaves and you are sitting in the cockpit with another FO? Then do you give the other guy the these are my switches and those are my switches if you want to do anything ask me first speech?
Don't have a single SIC type. Thanks though. They do still do that at XJT right? Do you have a pretty little EMB-145 sic type on your pretty little license now? Awweeee isn't that special...
I wonder how IAHERJ gets any experience being a cruise pilot?

Do you secretly pull out your fourth strip when the captain leaves and you are sitting in the cockpit with another FO? Then do you give the other guy the these are my switches and those are my switches if you want to do anything as me first speech?

Every time dude.....
And if you were flying domestic would you also show him your gun?

So is your big pay rate on reserve able to make your F250 payment, afford your double wide, and keep your teeth white doing a can of Skoal a day?

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