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You stay classy Linden Hillman

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Hate to tell you this, but this has already damaged my career in the short term. Long term is anyones guess. I would be sitting in the left seat bidding over 50% if it weren't for the SWA merger (and yes, my pay would be about the same, or better, as a right seat SWA guy).
Because of the acquisition, you will receive better than an upgrade at AAI, and so will all the F/O's junior to you.

I would retire in the top 10 and get any schedule I want.
And still never reach the level of an airline career that the acquisition by SWA now offers you.

The SWA guys forget that this isn't just about contracts. SWA's contract is much better, but don't forget that SWA is what it is because SWA historically paid much less then its competitors, and that allowed them to grow based off of their cost advantages (sound familier).
And yet SWA always paid better and had a better contract than AAI, for the entire history of AAI. Sound familiar?

The biggest issue Im hearing is with the SWA FO's. However, if this merger leads to you guys gaining a few percentage points seniority wise and speeds your upgrade time, then why are you b!tching?
Actually, every guy in front of the SWA F/Os will delay their upgrade time, thus damaging their prospective career earnings. (for the record, I'm not an F/O)

This is a good thing for you as well if it speeds your upgrade do to huge growth.
Maybe, maybe not. Reference the age 60 farce for how good something is / is not.

Face it, SWA wasn't growing before the AAI purchase (AAI was growing and hiring), and now they are.
SWA went through a temporary growth stoppage in '08 (without furloughing, I might add) due to the economy. Just like AAI, I might add. Your "firm orders", well they weren't so firm were they, since we bought them, along with everything else. You were for sale, we weren't.

This is a great thing for the SWA FO's. The growth potential because of the AAI buyout is HUGE. And don't kid yourselves, SWA wasn't coming into ATL or DCA without the AAI purchase. AAI and DAL locked up ATL with their gate contracts.
Don't kid yourself - this isn't a great thing for the SWA FO's. As it was illustrated to me, it's either going to be a mortal wound or a flesh wound, the difference is TBD. As for us coming into ATL or DCA without you, ask Frontier how that worked out for them in DEN.

Again, not trying to say you don't "bring anything to the table". Just trying to get you guys to acknowledge that this is a win for you, no matter how it works out, and probably a loss for us, no matter how it works out. Only arrogance would prevent that, and ignorance, of course.

Upshot for SWA FO's is actually getting to upgrade sometime in the future. You had an indefinite hold prior to the AT deal. read my tag line below, your own boss said it. With Airtan out of the way you'll actually get a chance to upgrade. You're welcome.

That's why we had 3 new cities in various stages of opening, 175 jets on order and were signing a side letter for -800's for Hawaii and Alaska.

Don't let the facts interfere with your bantering, though.

They get a growth and seniority advancement that they wouldn't have had otherwise, they get a larger profit sharing check, they get 27hr layovers in the Carribbean and Cancun. BTW, the pilots didn't buy us.

We get "growth and seniority advancement" by buying you? What's your definition of growth?

Larger profit sharing? Airtran had an operational loss in the first quarter alone of $32.7 MILLION with a total loss of $8.5 MILLION.

27 hours in the Caribbean? I prefer to make $209/hr flying instead of $2.45/hr sitting on my ass.

We get "growth and seniority advancement" by buying you? What's your definition of growth?

Larger profit sharing? Airtran had an operational loss in the first quarter alone of $32.7 MILLION with a total loss of $8.5 MILLION.

27 hours in the Caribbean? I prefer to make $209/hr flying instead of $2.45/hr sitting on my ass.


AirTran makes money in the 2 and 4th quarters, Gup. The first and third are usually losses, due to the predominantly north-south traffic. This was covered pretty extensively in the past. Hopefully, SWA revenue gurus will leverage this into 4 profitable quarters a year.

Don't tell anyone, but during the 27 hour layover, you get paid guarantee, not just per diem.

Now, me, I'd rather be getting paid daily guarantee, snorkeling in the Caribbean, than sitting on the ramp in DCA waiting out a 3 hour ground stop to ATL, but Ty's crazy like that. ;)
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want us to think we're pawns in this entire process an we should be thankful for whatever we get.

You are and you should be.

During the 27 hour layover, you get paid guarantee, not just per diem. I'd rather be getting paid guarantee snorkeling in the Caribbean than sitting on the ramp in DCA waiting out a 3 hour ground stop to ATL, but Ty's crazy like that.

I'd rather be at home with my Wife and kids.:beer:
That's why we had 3 new cities in various stages of opening, 175 jets on order and were signing a side letter for -800's for Hawaii and Alaska.

Don't let the facts interfere with your bantering, though.


Funny, when I brought up the -800's as "growth", your side quickly described them as "-300 and -500 replacements", and said there were no new airframes available for growth.

You guys have to get together and get your stories straight, before you peddle 'em here on F.I. ;)
You guys crack me up.

If AT was going out of business any time soon SWA would have waited for them to slide into CH11 and buy them for pennies on the dollar, ala ATA. Make that argument to the arbitrator at the same time you tell them how great your contract is. See where that gets you.
27 hours in the Caribbean? I prefer to make $209/hr flying instead of $2.45/hr sitting on my ass.


I've been flying a lot of CUN trips out of BWI lately and every time we've had a SWA guy with his family in the back. Every time they tell us they're VERY interested in getting to fly these trips.

Anyway, whatever gents. Like I said, it's going to an arbitration. It will be what it is. Peace out.

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