All I know is that us Airtran pilots are appreciative of being now managed by SW. I imagine that if we are "well behaved" and incorporate the SW culture we will be treated fairly. If the SW pilots decide to "not behave" and stray from their 40 years of excellent culture management may not be pleased. The grievance on the SWA-Airtran One Luv decal on the 737's sent Bob Jordan through the roof. I plan on being a good boy and doing my best to incorporate the SW culture. I hope the SW pilots can treat us as they would want to be treated and vise-versa.
Could you explain how SWA pilots would stray from the culture or misbehave? The whole B J thing? Come on funny. Why would you say that without the facts or something from ALPA. SWAPA is a success sharing union. You still work for AT and know nothing about the culture or the good hearted people that have worked so hard to make this company what it is. The pilots of SWA will treat you with respect. The battle for SLI just started and it is just business. It will be fair. Fair for all. I just worry about ALPA.