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Women and minority pilots.

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"I say good for them - kids need parents more than the world needs another pilot.".....Cardinal

That quote is a classic!
Hipster Loser said:
Ive had a few black instructors while getting my ratings in the NE. The flight school had several black CFI's...
We had an African-American CFI at our 141 school back in the early 1990's. He was a pretty good guy and a good CFI.

Personally, I don't get the question the original poster posed. Black or white, male or female, either you can or you can't. And if you can't, you can make it happen if you have the ability to overcome those obstacles.
i know our flight school has maybe 1,000 active renters and students, and MAYBE 5 are black. there is a pretty big number of hispanics. but i can tell you right now the black renters and students come from embry riddle. they're our feeder. w/out it, i dunno if we would have any black renters.

as for women, i tend to hear them a lot on the radio, so i assume they're out there
Somebody once told me they heard a female pilot ask ATC for a shortcut to some fix and ATC said 'no'. After that, an anonymous voice got on the radio and commented "your whole career has been a shortcut". :eek:
Some female pilots I've met can fly circles around anyone, while others can't find water if they fell out of a boat. Just like the male pilots I've met.

Gender is a moot point. Some can cut it while some can't, regardless of their sex.

I do agree that some women and minority pilots get special treatment simply because the firm needs to fulfill certain quota out of fear that they'll be accused of discrimination. And thats a shame. Whatever happened to the concept of earning what you get?

For the record, I am a minority. And I oppose affirmative action. I like to be hired for a job because of my qualifications, not because someone feels the need for a token minority on their staff.

On the topic of attractive female crew members creating distraction, I'd say that's a good thing as long as you don't let it compromise the safety. Who wouldn't want to go on a trip with a knockout female pilot or F/A? Especially if they're sharp at their job. One redhead I used to fly with was not only gorgeous, but she knew her sh!t, could fly like a bat out of hell, and could drive a stick shift. Now that's the kind of crewmember you'd want to go on a trip with!
Read in some credible source (forget where.... hahaa) that women tend to be better at flying fast movers, whereas men excel flying heavy stuff. Women can also tolerate G-forces and temperature extremes better than men can.

With respect to screwing up, women tend to mishandle the aircraft more frequently, while men-- ego thing-- tend to exercise poorer judgment (IMC, ice, etc.).

Exceptions to every rule, but apparently this stuff is supported empirically.

The source may be "The Killing Zone" by Paul Craig, but don't quote me on that.
If God had given me a (brain instead of posting crap), I'd be with FedEx right now
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