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Why is NetJets TA Unfair?

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Again I must say that this Contract is not all about Money.

Its about quality of life and also...... its about where you may or may not be able to live in the Future. Its about getting rid of harassment issues like the CVR Reviewing.

RCA's >> No way
CVR Reviewing >> No Way
3 am on the 8th day >> No way
show go with an airline on the first day >> No way
Signing Bonus should be pro rated by the Month

list goes on and on and on and on

When this stuff is fixed....Then We can talk about Money!!
catyaak you couldn't be more wrong about how the nja nji thing came about.

Gulfstream and Executive Jet partnered up to offer a share of gulfstreams and to increase sales. Problem was Executive Jet was a union carrier and there was no way Gulfstream was going to have union pilots fly their airplanes. Gulfstream has no unions on property and since they were partners they had a saying in who flew the planes.

So RTS uses the guise of needing qualified pilots to fly the Gulfstreams to try and break the union so that Executive Jet Aviation would fall in line. Problem was the A part didn't want to go with the I part.

Some pilots went to gulfstream and left those trying to keep the union created some major bad blood. Other twisting of the knife was a higher pay scale, better benefits yada yada yada.

So anytime the union acomplishes something the NJI guys reap our benefits. All the work the union hotel comittee has done. NJI stays at the same hotels now. All the work the union hotel comittee get's done to make sure we have a hang out room at TEB embassy with free movies and internet. Guess what NJI guys hang out there. What about 7n7 oh yeah NJI got it after we had it.

It's a textbook example of divide and divide some more. If our crap mec had some nuts they would have filed a single carrier status but that's another story for another page.
The initial contract between Gulfstream and NetJets was a Bill Boisture - Richard Santulli deal. Forstmann and Santulli are too much alike to have gotten along easily. Gulfstream provided the first three "core" aircraft because Santulli could not capitalize the deal at that time. It was jointly decided that only well experienced Gulfstream pilots would be hired for the new venture in that safety was to be a key marketing point and buyers would be guaranteed highly qualified Gulfstream pilots. To draw and retain the kind of pilots desired, starting and subsequent salaries were set to be industry leading (and still are).

Within a year EJI was profitable enough to give back the original three core aircraft and purchase their own to replace them.

Other than for maintenance, joint marketing and sales are the only relationships currently existing between Gulfstream and NJI. Gulfstream Shares sells Shares to existing Gulfstream customers and large cabin aircraft owners. NJI sells Gulfstream Shares to mid and small cabin aircraft owners as well as "Concept Buyers."

The existing relationship between NJI and Gulfstream is a close one. Raynor Reavis was VP for Gulfstream Shares, left Gulfstream to work with Keven Russell as Vice Presient for NetJets Sales, then returned to Gulfstream where he is presently Vice President Sales and Marketing.

As an aside, I can tell you that the pilots at NJI don't want anything to do with the union operation and are frankly amazed at NJA's continuing interest in them. We had a couple of 1/8 th shares and under NJI's rules the owning companies' pilots can fly in command on NJI aircraft as long as they meet NJI qualification and experience requirements as well as passing written, oral and flight checks. As such, I flew as a NJI Captain on our share aircraft for over a year and got to know many of the line pilots very well. I also know the Bluffton leadership group from our efforts in initially establishing the EJI program as well as from working special joint projects with them. I think I have a pretty balanced view of the organization and it is my observation that the NJI pilots are a very happy group with things just as they are.

The Sales / Marketing agreement with Gulfstream is the only relationship with a manufacturer that NetJets has in that NJA has broken their agreement with Boeing, returned three BBJ's, and is operating the remaining three Boeings as primarily charter aircraft.

Again I must say that this Contract is not all about Money.

Its about quality of life and also...... its about where you may or may not be able to live in the Future. Its about getting rid of harassment issues like the CVR Reviewing.

RCA's >> No way
CVR Reviewing >> No Way
3 am on the 8th day >> No way
show go with an airline on the first day >> No way
Signing Bonus should be pro rated by the Month

list goes on and on and on and on

When this stuff is fixed....Then We can talk about Money!!
NJAowner said:
The rich will just get richer, while the poor get poorer. Welcome to the "new world order.

I find this a strange comment froma fractional/corporate pilot. It the "rich" have less, more of them will fly commercial, therefore the economy will need fewer corporate/fractional/charter pilots.

Then you go to work at Home Depot?
I think the blue vest will look good on him.

Perhaps someone else needs to look at the separation of church and state. There is plenty of evidence that Congress did not mean what is commonly thought of as spearation. In fact, you will not even find it mentioned in the first amendment. That same Congress even bought Bibles, started sessions with prayer, and generally acknowledged God existed throughout its existance.

The concept was actually started in letters from Thomas Jefferson. It was in fact the protection of religion, not the prevention of that was the concern as in England the church and state were one.
Again I must say that this Contract is not all about Money.

Its about quality of life and also...... its about where you may or may not be able to live in the Future. Its about getting rid of harassment issues like the CVR Reviewing.

RCA's >> No way
CVR Reviewing >> No Way
3 am on the 8th day >> No way
show go with an airline on the first day >> No way
Signing Bonus should be pro rated by the Month

list goes on and on and on and on

When this stuff is fixed....Then We can talk about Money!!

Discrimination Issue.

I was formerly an operating officer for a non airline company. They did have mechanics that were unionized only in certain states. It was company policy that the non union mechanics would always be paid slightly more than the union people negotiated for.

No one in the company would ever have benefits less than what the union people were getting.
thanks Publishers. I see the frustration brewing here and I am unable to understand the union points on some issues.

Since 9/11 pilots have been furloughed from majors, the pilots at NJA have become better qualified than the pilots who joined the company previously. Many of the newer pilots are as well qualified and trained as NJI pilots.

But that seems to be a function of the economy - they can get, hire and retain better qualified individuals at the same or in some cases better prices than their less qualified counterparts. Hence my programmer analogy.

What am I missing?

Now, that said, I do agree with some of the issues the pilots have gripes with- recording conversations in the cock pit that can be used for discipline. Sounds like big brother to me-

Also if you can get more pay- go for it. But i do not see the logic in the argument.

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