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where is njaowner?

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Wow, how did we get here?

I was good enough to get a guard job flying on the weekends to make ends meet. Thats why I live somewhere in Iraq now on my 1 year tour. But why should I have too?
How many other professional people have 2 jobs to make ends meet?
Netjets wife pointed out previously that her husband was retired. Do the math, It would not be very wise financially to come out of retirement to get a guard job.
Hell, I'll be active duty for years to come if I can't get a decent wage at Netjets.
It's a Catch 22. If I can't make a decent wage, and I stay in the Reserves to make ends meet, I get deployed. If I cant make ends meet, I stay in the reserves to make ends meet, I get deployed.
Let me please mention however that I feel that I'm serving in a worthy cause, a battle that has to be fought and won.
Aside of that, It would be nice to have a decent job to come home too.
Sh%t a cold beer would be great! The TA? I'm sorry, I just can't believe the way corporate America has become. It just f***king stymies me to think that "gaffing" the pilots for a decent wage is some corporate game that is played with 2000 pilots and their families.
Please excuse me for rambling, I haven't been drinking for awhile.
Offering support--

Semore, If you are married, please tell your wife (if she hasn't already) to register for the wives' board. We are supporting the wife of our NJ pilot that is flying in Afghanistan (same situation!), and we'd be happy to lend moral support to your wife, too. If she needs the info/link just PM me and I'll help her get hooked up. Take care, NJW
Cold Beer

Semore - -thanks for your efforts both here and "over there". It is greatly appreciated. If there was a way to attach cold beer (or even warm beer) to this email, I'd send a few cases over for you and your squadron. Heck -- the whole unit.

Thank you.

(and especially you) Fly safe.
Stop talking about tips please, if it happens it happens. We need to negotiate for fair wages for a job well done. I have never expected tips for the job I do, and will not in the future. This dead horse has been beat to death again!

Emotions are high for all that are concerned with this industry. Cool heads and logic will prevail in the end. We need to stop bashing Netjetswife and give her a place to vent. My wife is just as upset about the situation but doesnt choose to do it here.

NJAOwner may or may not be who he is, but he does add a different perspective to this discussion. Calling him a liar or a troll doesn't add to the discussion. He knows alot about the company and I have no reason to not believe him.

The whole fractional industry and part of the Corporate jet world is watching what we do here. We need to negotiate hard and be able to shake hands and feel good about what we eventually ratify.

The owners may or may not care what we make, but they do care whether the jet will be there after they call owner services. If it comes down to parking the jets, thats when the owners will get involved. I'm ready to step up the negotiations to the next level after this TA is voted down. We will soon see how poor the company is. It's just business!!!
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Sctt@NJA said:
But its OK for a pilots wife to ask for him?
If you had bothered to read the beginning of the thread, you would know how this debate started. Seeing the opportunity to "speak" to an owner, I asked about things that I'd been curious about for sometime. I asked 3 questions and everyone focused on 1 and misstated what actually took place.

A few questions please---
NJAowner, what is your POSITION on tipping the pilots? Would you be embarrassed if it became public knowledge that one of your flight crew receives government assistance? Do you find it misleading to be told that there are two captains in every plane, when in reality there is one captain and one first officer that is forced to have a captain's rating but is paid much less than some of the limo drivers? I have no problem believing that you are an owner, as I truly am a wife.

The owner posted his reply, answering in his own fashion, 1 of my 3 questions, which then led to numerous accusations, all unfounded, that I was ASKING for tips for my husband. It was only, ever, an academic discussion of the issue.

NetJetWife - I have covered the tips dicussion on the board several times in the past. But, I am flying next week and may try to get some feedback on this with a trial balloon. Please help me and I may try it.

How much do I tip the Capt and F.O.? Should I give the Capt. more? $50 each, $100 each?? 15% of the cost of my hourly fee for the flight (this I will not agree to)? 18% if I have a party of 6 or more on the flight? 15% of the onboard catering bill?

I am not being sarcastic. What do you expect your husband to receive as a tip and what would you (or he) consider insulting?


(Please tell him to ) Fly safe

Clearly the owner,also, wanted the opportunity to satisfy his own curiosity. He could have said he was against tipping and moved on to my other questions. He had assured me that he was serious in asking those questions, so I took him at his word and did my best to answer them. As the debate raged on, I felt we all could use the advice of an expert in etiquette so I researched the subject and posted my findings. I stand by those, and my comments. To ASK for a tip is in very bad taste and something that I would never do. My husband has received tips in the past so clearly his habit of going the extra mile reaps its own reward, based solely on his personal efforts. Perhaps now we could move on to the 2 remaining unanswered questions?
Yes, let's move on to something else---

The questions I think we should ask the owner are: How do you think the owners would respond to informational picketing? Would it make an impression to see the pilots' wives and children holding signs at the FBOs?

I can assure all of you that there ARE wives waiting in the wings, willing to carry signs. I have cautioned them to wait for direction from StrongUnion. If they gave the word, I'd be one of the first out the door. Then all you guys who doubt that I'm really a wife could come meet me in person....lol
Getting my money's worth!

Griz, I could give a testimonial for Blue Mountain.com! What a great deal that service has turned out to be. You guys are getting my 165th ecard for the month of Sept--that's right--one month! Our wives support group has really taken off!

Click on the following link.

NetJetWife: In my opinion, pickets by the wives and children at FBOs will backfire in a major way. I have stated many times how I think the pilots can enlist the support of the owners to effect change. Pickets and refusals to fly will infuriate owners, but cause them to support management. Don't forget, you are not starting off with a group which is sympathetic to unions to start with. Then if you drag the owners' families into it, it will backfire. I already told you a real life reaction to a FO bringing an owner's family into your pay dispute.

Fly safe.
I have to agree with NJAowner. Don't bring an owner into pay disputes. You agreed to the pay when you went to work there. It's because of the owners that you have jobs. The conflicts should be settled in the proper manner using the proper forum. Whining and complaining will not achieve your result.

To the pilots-you are a professional group. Keep it out of the streets and maintain your professionalism.

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