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where is njaowner?

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Wave off- I ask you to correct my use of grammar in my first post since you have found errors.

As far as your post, my corrections are in all capitalized letters belows:

You said "He's just a troll...let it go dude. His NJAOWNERS's USE OF (starting a sentence with a third person reflexive pronoun is poor grammar) grammar and spelling in his first post should be a tip off that he's just another guy. Then again, I've flown some pretty "unedumicated" owners at FLOPs who make trailer park people look like A MENSA MEMBER (Mensa is an organization). Some people have money AND brains, some only have one and then some don't have any EITHER (any would be correct if you were writing about 3 or more items)! Can you guess which of these NJAowner has?:confused:

And Snake - I made no threats - veiled or otherwise.
NJAowner said:
Unfortunately, a few of the pilots are actually trying to piss off the one group of people who have the power to effect change ... the owners.
I'm trying to understand this conversation. Isn't saying you are an owner at NetJets like saying you are an owner of Publix when you are a stock clerk? I'm mean both are technically correct but owner to me signifies ownership...not a drop in the bucket of a much larger pail of water.
Does not matter much if NetsOwner is real or fictional. I mean to say, if he is an owner, he is not voting on the TA and, if he is really an owner, he is NOT going to volunteer to pay more to support a pay raise for the NJA pilots.

As Snake Pit so properly stated, all NJAOwner wants to do is get from A to B at the best price possible without having to tolerate the commerical airline terminals.

If he (is a real owner) likes the service, he will stay the course. If he (is a real owner) does not like the service, he will take his business elsewhere.

If he is a real owner, I suspect he is evaluating the benefits and cost of CS, FO, and FlexJet just because that is what I would do if I had (which I do not) the money to be a fractional owner to begin with.
The ignorance of the Lord

My Lord, wit all due respect, your ignorance is showing. Please do not speak of that which thou doesn't knoweth.

You said

I always thought his use of the "NJA" abbreviation in his screen name was dubious considering it's only used in internal company references to the unionised pilots and mechanics.

The fact is that all of the owner documents and contracts (not marketing materials), speak of NJA and NJS. But of course, you have never seen such documents but you can speak of them.

Fly safe.

You're a poseur and a loser. You really have no life if you have to go on a message board posing as a wealthy, arrogant individual just so you feel better about yourself. REAL owners with attitudes like yours get a "nice" ride when they get on my plane.
One thing is sure. I will continue to do my job with dedication and professionalism. I will fly safe. I will fly legal. I will also fly the contract.

I will also vote NO on this and any other TA offered with similar content. Simply unacceptable!
Another Berkshiore Hathaway Company

FL450 -- is it a coincidence that your picture on your posts of DQ is another Berkshire Hathaway company?

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