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What made Eastern GO Under?

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TurboS7 said:
If I remember correctly Jesus went through all the same stuff, bucking the status quo. If being a scab helps me relate to my Lord and my Saviour any better, then if is well worth it.
Are you actually comparing yourself to Christ?

Wasn't he an advocate of "thou shalt not steal?" That would seem to go against scab philosophy.

Some people didn't have what it took to get hired by a wonderful airline like EAL, so they had to steal someone's job who actually earned it.

I would think a scab could relate far better to Judas than to Jesus. Jesus never betrayed his brothers in the name of greed.
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As the son of an EAL captain (the real kind...hired in '65 not '89!) I would like to thank you for the huge role you and your courageous brothers played in ridding the industry of a true cancer (lorenzo). Your sacrifices are appreciated by many who followed you to the profession. While I wish the outcome would have been more favorable (perhaps with more support), I hope you can take some small comfort in the fact that you have made a difference, and your fellow pilots are better off because of your strength.

Thank you.
FlyDeltasJets said:
At least Judas had the decency to hang himself.
I have been trying to get off Turbo's back. He has, at least once, expressed something that is uncommon among scabs: remorse. And genuine remorse goes a long way with me.

Regardless of how he may try to justify his actions to salve his self-image, Turbo knows what he did was wrong, and I think he's genuinely sorry about it. I can respect that.
Boeingman said:
LOL, but reading publishers posts, you must take into account that many people think like him. .....................................
Also, reading publishers posts gives a good insight to how typical mangement thinks and operates. No need to critisize him, but take the opportunity to learn another point of view.

Good post. It is this fact that makes me take the time to engage him. I'm stupid enough to think that I might actually affect some change in the way people like him think about professional pilots.


I have seen a great deal of rationalization, some grandiose proclamations of relating to Jesus, but very very little remorse.

However, I realize that suicide is not something to bring up in an aviation discussion, so I have removed that line with apologies to all who might have been offended.

You and I share a common trait: pilot sons of EAL pilots. However, I must admit you are a bit more forgiving than I. After seeing what those poor men endured, I can never forgive the perpetrators (scabs, borman, and lorenzo), despite any dubious expressions of remorse. Respect? Out of the question.
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re: Publisher, ad nauseam


I am going to make one final attempt to get you to answer a question.

You continue to beat the same drum: Eastern was doomed, had a fatal wound, could never be the way it was again, and that neither the SCABS nor Lorenzo caused or contributed to the destruction of the company, and you have continued on and on, ad nauseam.

I realize that you don't have many facts, as you admitted several posts back, but please enlighten us as to your special insight. Please tell us SPECIFICALLY why you contend that EAL was doomed, was in a death spiral, and had a fatal wound.

There are several things you will need to consider and if you would like to review my post where I answered your challenge to present facts for my position, please feel free to do so. You remember; where I discussed Easterns massive resources, worldwide franchise, huge aircraft fleet, etc.

And I am the first to admit that EAL had problems, serious problems. Most specifically incompetent management that was replaced by the predatory Lorenzo management.

Nevertheless, I still contend that if competent management had been imposed upon Eastern at the time of the bankruptcy (before Lorenzo had been able to bleed it completely to death) that the company could have survived and prospered.

I eagerly await your specific, logical, thoughtful, and reasoned arguments (backed up with data, of course) as to why this was not possible.
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FlyDeltasJets & Typhoon

Thanks for your comments. They are appreciated.

Your fathers and I thought we were doing the right thing. Based upon hindsight and our painful education into human nature and greed, we might choose to fight the battle a different way if we had to do it over again.
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For those of you who are not Lorenzo fans. Which includes the whole world, except maybe for Johnny Ornstein and the Publisher, I submit the picture at left for you to copy and use royalty free.;) Just right click on the avatar and chosse "Save Picture As" and pick a file name. Such as "Publisher's Buddy" or something along those lines.

I will be changing back to may regular avatar after you have read this and had a chance to save it. I would have PMd it to you, but the boards admin does not allow attchments.

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