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What is wrong with Colgan

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This bickering about this airline or that airline underbidding, undercutting or otherwise sabotaging another person's career because of it is a load of bull. It is a competitive industry, and we live in a capitalist society. So, please don't get on soapbox extoling the virtues of XYZ company and how ABC company is screwing me. It is an absurd argument.
Another thing about the Colgan bashing, and the fatal accident in particular is the attitude that it was a malicious, pre-meditated act to intentionally place a crew in harm's way. Another absurd, if not irresponsible argument. Why did it happen? The same way I've seen it happen in the military. Trust me, I've been there and done that as a crewmember in a Class "A" mishap. I've also had freinds killed flying in both the military and civilian sector. It's the most devastating thing I've experienced. BUT, we do their memories no good by name-calling, finger-pointing or speculation based on hearsay.
Some of you, in fact most of you use some pretty narrow, rose-colored glasses to view the industry and forget about the troubling past of what are considered to be the carriers that are industry leaders in safety, operations and reliability. Let me cite some examples for you:

AA ORD DC-10 crashed due to improper and unapproved maintenance practices. Using a forklift to hang a QEC.

Alaska Airlines MD-80 crashed at-sea due to faulty maintenance on a stab. trim actuator.

These are just two examples, and there are many, many more. Research it, and read how many of the majors have been fined. It ain't pretty.
Look, I am not a Colgan "homer", but I do work here and I am happy to be doing so. Does the company have problems? Yes, and 99% of the people are working hard to eliminate them and get on with staying in business, being competitive and making money. At the same time I am also disgusted by people bashing Mesa for being a "bottom-feeder". Well, how many times have you jumpseated and had the Captain personally bring your flight kit from the baggage compartment and put it up front, so that the W&B would be legal and I could stay on? Thank you to all the Mesa, Indy, Air Wisky, Shuttle America, CHQ, PDT and mainline crews. Your kindness and courtesy I appreciate and respect.
The woe is me about how this company sucks and that company blows is just so juvenile. Half these whining kids pretending to be airline pilots have no idea of what it takes to pay your dues, keep the faith with your peers and at least pretend to have some discipline. to those of you that do, I applaud your dedication and professionalism. Keep the press on! You'll make it.
The more this attitude continues, the more that the airline executives will just love us, because we have become our own worst enemies. Appreciate what you have, it might be gone tommorow. If any of you want to discuss this and know my real identity, PM me...
Lastly, to the Colgan crews out there. I have enjoyed just about every second of flying the mighty Beech across New England, Appalachia and the Alleghenys. One couldn't find a greater bunch of people to fly with. I've learned so much and am grateful to the Captains that put up with and allowed me to make mistakes.

ex-Navy Rotorhead
what is their mins, what they have posted on the web site? Just had a friend apply who doesn't meet the pub mins. Hope he gets a phone call!
From 2003

Jeepman said:
This just came out this morning:

"Effective August 1st, Houston TX (IAH) will become the next EMB120 domicile. Initially, the base will consis of approximately 10 crews and 2 aircraft. The base will grow to approximately 45 crews and 9 aircraft by years end. We will begin flying into two cities from Houston in July, which will require to TDY from other domiciles.

Bids for Houston EMB120 position will be accepted beginning today, May 19, 2003 through May 27, 2003. Bid awards will be posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2003 at approximately 12:00 noon. Bids will be accepted via SkyWest on-line, e-mail or fax. We do recommend, however, that you bid via an electronic mode to ensure bid receipt and a timely response"

I am just posting what was on the Skywest online (employees only) board. To those Coex pilots reading this I know that this may not be the best news, but please remember that the SkyWest pilots had NOTHING to do with this agreement and are just going where the company tells us to go. I hope there are no ill feelings and look forward to seeing some of the furloughed COEX guys coming on board.

Mookie, define irony.
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mckpickle said:
Many of us sympathize with pilot who are poorly paid. Kinda like...been there done that. We know what it's like. We also sympathize because we've heard stories about your management. And ever worse the MX. It's already killed 2 pilots.

Over all I've enjoyed ever Colgan guy I've ever met. I've met some real douches from Mesa or CHQ, but the Colgan group is stand up! Sometimes people confuse us bashing a company with bashing the employees. In most cases people are bashing Colgan but not the folks that work there.

It's just a shame the conditions you guys have to work under. Union maybe?

Do you call this post a sympathy post? Obviously, you're already talking above him and pilots at Mesa/Chatuaqua with no real care. Wish you all the best dude...maybe next time think before posting total BS.
Mookie said:
if you are going to insult me....try spelling it right...asss...

it's Capitolism......I learned it in college...I was an econ major...


Never knew the word CAPITOLISM...Is there such a word? Love it when people open their mouths and all that comes out is hogwash.

Your right, econ major .... Wow so you can count and know what a market basket is and how GDP is determined. Light weight!
Here crack your old "College" books and compare this:
And if you would have read in my post, I WAS NOT attacking you but now its on ! :)

As far as my spelling, o well it was early in the morning but next time I will check my grammer prior to submitting a post.

Capitalism, economic system based on private ownership of the means of production, in which personal profit can be acquired through investment of capital and employment of labor. Capitalism is grounded in the concept of free enterprise, which argues that government intervention in the economy should be restricted and that a free market, based on supply and demand, will ultimately maximize consumer welfare. These principles were most notably articulated in Adam Smith's treatise, The Wealth of Nations (1776), in which he opposed the prevailing theory of mercantilism. Capitalism has existed in a limited form in the economies of all civilizations, but its modern importance dates at least from the Industrial Revolution that began in the 18th cent., when bankers, merchants, and industrialists—the bourgeoisie—began to displace landowners in political, economic, and social importance, particularly in Great Britain. Capitalism stresses freedom of individual economic enterprise; however, government action has been and is required to curb its abuses, which have ranged from slavery (particularly in Britain and the United States) and apartheid (in South Africa) to monopoly cartels and financial fraud. Capitalism does not presuppose a specific form of social or political organization: the democratic socialism of the Scandinavian states, the consensus politics of Japan, and the state-sponsored rapid industrial growth of South Korea while under military dictatorship all coexist with capitalism. Yet despite the capitalist ideal of “hands–off” government, significant government intervention has existed in most capitalist nations at least since the Great Depression in the 1930s. In the United States, it exists in the form of subsidies, tax credits, incentives, and other types of exemptions. Though private production plays a major role in the economies of Germany and Japan, both nations have centrally planned industrial policies in which bankers, industrialists, and labor unions meet and seek to agree to wage policies and interest rates; these countries reject the idea of letting the market wholly determine the economy. The collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellite states in Eastern Europe (1989–91) left those countries with a heavy burden and an uncertain future, and represented a substantial retreat in the power of capitalism's traditional economic opponent, socialism. Also uncertain is the future course of China's economy, in which small-scale capitalism is increasingly allowed within a strictly Communist political framework. O yeah if your still reading this then you need to turn your computer off and go watch some TV or work out. Money makes the world go round! My airline is better than yours.
Guns and Butter, my friends, Guns and Butter. That's all you need to know from Econ 101.

Unfortunately due to my ADD, I am unable to read that entire paragraph....But where are those vaunted 50 seat turboprops ya'll promised??

A Dingo ate your baby....


By the way..Relic...Touche'....
Hey buddy Mook, I think on this one... you are on your own LOL.
Give em war, take no prisoners!!

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