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What is the status of the ALPA De-certification vote at US Airways?

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Sit back, relax, and eat your popcorn. Throwing it is sooooo tacky.:D

Perhaps you don't understand.... your decertifaction efforts will have ripple effects.

For example the Unit II staff at ALPA is trying to negotiate a better contract but JJ and his buds are telling them there might not be money casue the USAPA guys might put a huge whole in the budget....

Not that ALPA pilots really gave a shat about Herndon staff.....yet they sure expect them to perform for pilots. But you want others to care about your job right?

In addition, like scared stampeding cattle if the USAPA guys bolt for the emergency exit it might startle others into following... it would be similar to The Un-united States of America

But who cares right? This is really just about individuals... its about you.

But you liked what this profession had to offer you...when YOU wanted to become a pilot. And that is because the ALPA guys back then worked hard to make it attractive for you. It doesn't matter when you wanted to be a pilot... there was always some clown who wanted to destroy the profession: Lorenzo, Carty, EL Cord, Crandall, Ichon, etc.... They certainly didn't keep a bottom line professional standard so guys like you would still invest your livlihood in the profession.

This is about the profession. As much as we have a hate for ALPA, its like our dysfunctinal mother... She maybe phcuked up...but she is still our mother...

If you want this profession to serve you to retirement and also serve the next generation, then perhaps you ought to serve it..... just a little.

Keep ALPA and fix it.
Just got back from my 4 day to read the responses to my post. Damn did it get ugly in here!
___So correct me if I misunderstand this, please. This card thing that recently concluded simply decides if a decertification/representational election will take place in the future? And the outcome of this is still unknown, but seems to be an eventuality (representational election).
___I think I am up to speed, but it is sad that this process is taking so long.
It is. ALPA is in full delay mode and ironically it just solidifies the resolve even more.

Election is probably around middle of March with count by end of April.

Once again Turtle you display your complete ignorance toward the facts.

ALPA has no control over this. It is the NMB that is driving this. It is their timetable that we are working from. Oh yeah it was USAPA's screw up with the ballots that caused the last delay.

It's amazing how some east guys will blame EVERYONE else for their F&%kups EXCEPT THEMSELVES. I suppose ALPA caused the current recession, the crisis in Darfur and the Tsunami a few years back.

And people wonder why USAir will be left out of the current merger mainia and will likely go out of business. No one, managemant OR pilot group will deal with your superior than thou attitude. I for one don't blame them.
Once again Turtle you display your complete ignorance toward the facts.

ALPA has no control over this. It is the NMB that is driving this. It is their timetable that we are working from. Oh yeah it was USAPA's screw up with the ballots that caused the last delay.

It's amazing how some east guys will blame EVERYONE else for their F&%kups EXCEPT THEMSELVES. I suppose ALPA caused the current recession, the crisis in Darfur and the Tsunami a few years back.

And people wonder why USAir will be left out of the current merger mainia and will likely go out of business. No one, managemant OR pilot group will deal with your superior than thou attitude. I for one don't blame them.

Nice choice of ignoring the relevant "facts", junior.:laugh:

The relevant fact is the election will likely occur in March, right after the "World Hunger ALPA Live Aid Concert", the "ALPA March for Gerbils", and the "ALPA Walk for FPL Carnival".:D
This card thing that recently concluded simply decides if a decertification/representational election will take place in the future?
Correct. If there are sufficient cards USAPA estimates the election in a month or so.
And the outcome of this is still unknown, but seems to be an eventuality (representational election).
My guess is there will be an election.
I think I am up to speed, but it is sad that this process is taking so long.
I disagree. There's nothing sad about the NMB being thorough to ensure there are no irregularities.
I disagree. There's nothing sad about the NMB being thorough to ensure there are no irregularities.

Certainly ALPA's several motions that might be viewed as attempts to delay or obstruct the process do actually provide the NMB with the opportunity to magnify the legitimacy of the election, should it occur.

It would also serve to magnify ALPA's illegitimacy if they used this time to force a joint contract by receivership rather than representational consensus in the midst of a representational dispute that will be settled in a relatively short period of time.
Certainly ALPA's several motions that might be viewed as attempts to delay or obstruct the process do actually provide the NMB with the opportunity to magnify the legitimacy of the election, should it occur.

It would also serve to magnify ALPA's illegitimacy if they used this time to force a joint contract by receivership rather than representational consensus in the midst of a representational dispute that will be settled in a relatively short period of time.

And what exactly is representational consensus and a representational dispute? One side does not want it and is simply using it's numbers to screw the other. How is that a dispute or consensus? I think it's important for everyone to remember that all the talk about ALPA this and ALPA that, representational this and representational that, past wrongs, who will represent this or that, all boils down to one thing:

The east pilots are once again trying to screw the AWA pilots. Plain and simple. This is just the latest guise they put on.

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