Instead of Johnny Cash, now we get to be the prison guard. We're still in Folsom County. Hopefully when the final product shows on the doorstep, it doesnt look all that bad. Personally, if its the traditional pilot shirt, it will be miles better than the garbage we wear now. I don't care for the grey, but the black is goofy also. We're just used to the old goofy look.This new uniform SUCKS!! I want the "Johnny Cash" back!! Should also show all you "nay sayers" that there is money being made here at Virgin. If we are wasting money on this stupid crap...then there is definitely money in the cookie jar.
I agree, its a shame to waste money on uniform changes, refresh, parties, red carpet, and a slew of other things when we can't pour cash out of a 5 gallon bucket fast enough to keep us going.