Oh by the way, DOH MEANS NOTHING!-Screams the PFT crowd of the 90's. Its all about Me, Me, Me and how a Westhole can leapfrog 20 years of service. A probation pilot being senior to someone who has 17 years of service will not fly. Sorry PFTrainers.
When the Nic list came out, it was not even close to relative seniority. 1/3 of the pilot list was not included. Active USAIR pilots were listed as furloughed.
Let's see, was your 17 year guy active of the day of merger? YOU KNOW HE WAS NOT!
No one is leapfrogging anyone, your pathetic 17 year guy had long been furloughed on the day of the merger, pretty pathic! It just shows the sad state of affairs at the Old USAirways.
As far as PFT?
That's the problem, you view the West as a bunch of 20 or 30 something PFT'ers. Personally, I'm well into my 3rd decade of airline service and have more flight time your Mascott (Capt Sulley)
MCDU, I like you, you can pull gear for me anytime!