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US Airways Recalls

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Deleted because I read through my post and found myself getting whiny.
I am a very very lucky man. I have my family, my health, food on the table and a roof over my head. A job will come eventually but for now what I have is enough. I don't see the need to continue taking part in the poo fest.
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There is not one east pilot who posted on this thread. It's all westies spouting junk.
I read every post and I did not read one from and an east pilot. The reason is because FI is not a place were pilots in there 50's and 60's go. it's more for the 90's PFT generation.

good post lga man I agree
There is not one east pilot who posted on this thread.

Including yourself, right doosh?

It's all westies spouting junk.
Because of the crap druged up by an east coast man's love interest, aka, you mcdoosh!

I read every post and I did not read one from and an east pilot.
Including yourself again, right doosh?

The reason is because FI is not a place were pilots in there 50's and 60's go.
No, they're more worried about viagra, and how to not medical out! Besides, ******************************, the union to end all unions keeps them busy flying more and more hours to make ends meet to pay more dues to help fight all the lawsuits against them!:laugh:

it's more for the 90's PFT generation.
................Says the Gulfstream academy washout!

good post lga man I agree
At least you have 1 friend doosh!
Scope out RJ's
At least you have 1 friend doosh!

Hold on their Scope.
I am doing my best not to get dragged into this crap festival and I don't need you putting me in the MCDU camp. If you will kindly go back and read my post you will see that I am equally disgusted with both camps in this abortion we call US Airways. There are around 85 of us 2007/2008 hires who have been caught in the crossfire of these two pilot groups. I think most of us just sit back and watch and wonder what the hell was I thinking coming here. That being said you can't go back, only forward so you play the hand you are dealt. The two camps seem content to identify themselves as East or West. In my opinion only the roughly 85 new hires could be thought of as US Airways pilots We are neither East nor West pilots, just plain old pilots. (Furloughed Of Course).
Back to the point of my previous post, It was NOT to make friends or enemies of MCDU or Cactusboy,
It was simply to voice my frustration with opening a thread in the hopes of a small bit of good news and instead finding another feces festival that so often occurs when ever the name US Airways appears. I get that you don’t care for MCDU. I also gather that neither you or MCDU even fly for US Airways. Maybe you guys should keep your rabble rousing off of a thread titled ‘US Airways Recalls” God knows these poo flingers don’t need any help from outsiders getting all pissed off at each other.
C'mon LaGarbage, let them fling poo. It's the only entertainment some of us get these days. :laugh: It's kind of like going to watch the monkeys in the zoo -- you know you will be grossed out by the poo flinging, but yet we still stand there and watch it. (Out of some sick fascination perhaps????).

Besides, you're going about this all wrong. You need to lob a few grenades into the mix. If we can get them all worked up, maybe a few will develop ulcers and need some time off work. Thus we will be back even quicker. Or we can just wait for Judge Wake's verdict which will drive West recalls and a huge rash of East retirements. Again, we're back quickly. So, keep up the good posts!!!

By the way, final check on Friday (passed the Fed ride and oral last week). Hoping to pass through IAD in the middle of the month. Pizza again?
Hey Bud
Your up late. What the heck time is it over there in the Magic Kingdom?
Yeah I should know better but I saw the thread title and actually saw a light at the end of the tunnel. It did not take long for the crap train to come rolling on down the line though. As Cactusboy noticed I woke up a little cranky today.
Congrats on the check ride I know the last one will be no problem. So you truly are a bus convert now. Give me a call coming through IAD and we will grab some pizza but more importantly some beers to go with it. I know you have got to be missing them.
Keep the sand out of your shorts
There is not one east pilot who posted on this thread. It's all westies spouting junk.
I read every post and I did not read one from and an east pilot. The reason is because FI is not a place were pilots in there 50's and 60's go. it's more for the 90's PFT generation.

good post lga man I agree

Dear MCDU,

I'm an East pilot, and I posted. And I'm 45. Other than that, I agree with your take on FI's demographics.

LeGarbage....Excellent post. The Internet trash talk is off the chart, and FlightMisInfo.com is by far the worst place for it. I wish you the best in finding a better job. Mesa Grande will forever be a cr@p hole the way it's being run (run into the ground for purposes of a merger.)

Good luck.

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Wow! 45 you must be one of the young ones left.


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