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US Airways Recalls

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2002
A friend of a friend (also furloughed from AWE) claims that letters have gone out for recalls at US Airways. I seriously doubt it, but anybody heard anything?

Since Tuesday I have heard from numerous sources both east and west that something is in the works for recalls and the consistant theme involved a june to july time frame. Rumors are Rumors and I'll believe it when the letter is in my mailbox. From what I'm hearing both sides are short staffed and it is only going to get worse later this year. I hope the rumor is true!

Also was told this week the remaining 190's aren't leaving. only a few have actually left the fleet so far, i think 5. was told this week that Airways is going to lease those aircraft back from Republic. Who knows???
not all of them were sold....only 10 and they are not all gone yet. i heard from a guy at republic something about them buying them and leasing them back to airways and that's why they are not gone yet
Actually think 9 of the 10 are gone. Only 968 remains (that I have seen) with the Rep. regestration in the cockpit.

Other than that it has been quiet since the last bid.

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