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US Airways Management and America West Pilots to Open Separate Negotiations

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I'm no ALPA cheerleader. CAL scabs should have been tarred and feathered. I never said ALPA was perfect However, ALPA does not exist solely to destroy the careers of an entire, (innocent) airline. USAPA is laser focused on nothing but stripping AWA of their rightful seniority, (and nic agreed).

Any attempt to divert attention away from this fact is just towing the scab line. Just because it's huge, doesn't make them innocent. USAPA supporters are nothing but filthy scabs. Believe me when I say the word is getting out.

You're pretty loose with calling people scabs and just because a group of pissed off pilots are sick of ALPA and want to form their own union does not a scab make. By your definition, the USAPA could call you a scab for simply being anti-USAPA. Your use of the definition is a ridiculous stretch.

I'm with an airline represented by another union and so far, I haven't heard anything, unofficial or otherwise, about not letting USAPA ride our jumpseats because some hothead on a message board deemed them as scabs. Hell, as for refusing jumpseats, I haven't heard any word from ALPA diehards either.

Lighten up Francis.
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FAR from over.

The Transition Agreement kept our right to section 6 alive and well.

Parker will get pounded by the NMB if he fails to negotiate with us. He has a legal obligation to negatiate with us in good faith. Maybe he will just take a page from the east and blow off a signed legal document.

Actually, I think that would work in our favor.

Maybe so...but for now, US Airways management has said they will not negotiate with just the "west".

Sooooo...then the west reps file a grievance using the process outlined in their collective bargaining agreement and the Transition agreement....well this is not a 3 day process...it usually takes months...and from what I've read...you guys could very well have completely new representation by mid-April.

Once the new representation is in place...then I guess you'll go through your USAPA reps in PHX/LAS to get this done? ...or will you guys choose to go with no representation?

Will there also be a DFR lawsuit against ALPA?

...and will the "Cactus" call sign prevail?...or is that outlined in the Transition Agreement as well?
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I'm with an airline represented by another union and so far, I haven't heard anything, unofficial or otherwise, about not letting USAPA ride our jumpseats because some hothead on a message board deemed them as scabs. Hell, as for refusing jumpseats, I haven't heard any word from ALPA diehards either.

Lighten up Francis.

Hear...Hear !!! The use of the word "scab" has lately been associated with those who have nothing more than a different point of view concerning representation.

As far as refusing jumpseats....I have heard absolutely nothing from my union ( not ALPA) and...even my ALPA buds at UAL, DAL, NWA, CAL and other airlines haven't heard anything from their union reps on this...

As for the use of the word "scab"....there has been no picket line crossed to perform struck work...the word "scab" doesn't apply here...
Of course Parker wants to wait it out. USAPA went to management and promised to accept cost neutral if the company helps to throw out the arbitration....Parker has to negotiate with the west now and the East gets to enjoy their contract until 2009 + a couple years.

With the loss of profitability due to oil and recession, it wouldn't surprise me to see Parker try to bring the West pay scales down to the current East pay scales thru the joint contract he's pushing for.

He sees an opportunity from the oil crises to lower costs thru cutting pilot W-2, improving his standing with the BOD and large investors.

Be ready for the joint opener from the company whenever talks start, it could be ugly.

BTW, the higher oil goes, the less leverage you guys have in talks, and it's probably never coming back down.

I know, I'm........SAVAGE!!!
A little bird dropped this one in my lap...

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]USAPA News Flash[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]MARCH 16, 2008

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]US Airways, International Association of Machinists Reach Tentative Agreement[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]US Airways and the International Association of Machinists (IAM) recently reached a tentative agreement on a unified contract that moves all US Airways’ maintenance-and-related employees to one labor contract.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The contract, if ratified, would move pre-merger America West (“West”) maintenance and related employees to the higher pay scales of the pre-merger US Airways (“East”) labor contract and modifies the existing East labor agreement in ways that are mutually beneficial to IAM mechanic-and-related employees and the company.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The Company stated that unified agreements help fulfill an important goal of our merger, that is, to have each group of our represented employees working as one team with identical pay, benefits and work rules.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]In the past, management has stated that it will not strike agreements with its pilots separately. Management requires negotiating with both the East and West pilots jointly.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]USAPA can produce a quality contract sooner than ALPA by immediately fulfilling management’s requirement of single representation of both the East and West pilot groups.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
USAPA, Built by US Airways Pilots, For US Airways Pilots

Management doesn't have the right to not negotiate with us. And it is not part of a grievance process either......

You should know this. It is managed by the NMB. If the company fails to comply with a section 6 notification then the NMB can take any number of options, including declaring an impasse.
Don't you think section 6 was filed before the vote for a reason?

Oh yes, and btw if USAPA does get in, they will be required to proceed with section 6 negotiations. It's the law. Oh yeah, I forgot maybe us stupid AWA pilots will just let them blow that off as well.

And the "Cactus" call sign issue you brought up makes me laugh. No it is isn't "outlined in the TA", and that wasn't the topic we were discussing, nor does it have anything to do with the RLA or section 6 negotiations for either party.

It clearly shows which side of the fence you stand on with an assinine statement like that....
You're pretty loose with calling people scabs and just because a group of pissed off pilots are sick of ALPA and want to form their own union does not a scab make.

If USAPA was just about getting out of ALPA that would be one thing, but USAPA is more about changing the seniority integaration at the "New USAirways". The clear intent of USAPA, as far as I see it, is to negate the binding arbitration list integration.

If USAPA come on the property, but the Nic award stand, well that is fair enough, if the integration is changed, that is something entirely different.

If a splinter group had decertified ALPA at CAL, formed their own union and negotiated a new agreement with Frankie in order to cross the picketline, would they then still have been scabs?
If a splinter group had decertified ALPA at CAL, formed their own union and negotiated a new agreement with Frankie in order to cross the picketline, would they then still have been scabs?

Yes...as long as they were performing struck work
....when the America West pilots were threatening to leave ALPA....Duane Woerth brought a scab with him to PHX to try and talk the America West pilots out of leaving ALPA.....There is so much irony here...where to begin......

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