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US Airways' go-it-alone approach paying off

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Ya, I guess about predictable as you 04/05 AW hires huh????

Again here ya are looking into the future telling us how things are going to go. You guys out west have a great track record with that don't you????

You'll never get enough cards signed....
You'll never have enough votes to get alpa out....
You'll never get the appeals court to hear your case
You'll never get the appeals court to overturn Judge Wake.....

jAnd now......US will never take a DOH list...'cause they have a list..

Oh BTW I emailed parker a list a while back....and said it was from alpa...Had my name as #1.....

Think he'll demand to use that list?

Nope...I've been here as long as you have, the difference is I have been on the property the whole time.

Yeah, USAPA's wins have been many and they have yielded the pilot group huge rewards.

Changing the name on the letterhead doesn't absolve you from your obligations. Man up and honor you word.

Let me know how that LOA 93 arbitration works out for you and good luck with your little CHAOS event that you have planned later this year.
CHAOS?? Haven't heard a thing about it....but then I'm not plugged into the direct line of whatever goes on over here.

Unfortunately your opinion of the name changing and such, doesn't mesh with the courts or simple contract law it seems. I guess you can argue up through the SC, but it may just be to no avail.

so your a '99 hire that is licking his chops at moving into the area of a '84 hire on the east side. guess your missing that left seat that the lottery ticket said you deserve?
What's the percentage of West flying flown by East metal? How come nobody talks about that?


24% vs 4%

Nobody talks about it because the West 'spoils of war mentality' isn't as politically correct as the east is a bunch of 'tyrannical meanies' head fake.
I can assure you it is relevant to those of us seeing you fly our routes while claiming you 'brought jobs' .

The source? Do your homework
I don't have to. You're the one complaining. If you think we're flying "your" routes complain to your union. They're not ALPA so you're covered, right?
I can assure you it is relevant to those of us seeing you fly our routes while claiming you 'brought jobs' .

The source? Do your homework

The source? Lemme guess, the bathroom wall in the CLT crew room?

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