I don't believe the intent is to overturn the arbitration, it's just to draw out the process as they are benefiting (in USAPA's opinion) by getting closer to retirement in their current seats. It's effectively permanent fences until the SLI is consumated.
USAPA hasn't sued to have NIC overturned, their only hope is that an exasperated AWA group finally gives in to opening up negotiations (in the guise of a PWA) that agrees to an SLI outside the NIC list.
Otherwise, short of that, the status quo is what they are implementing and hoping for a "snap back" provision in their contract to possibly kick in.
Like I stated before, eventually the much younger AWA group will outlive the majority of the USAPA group and then they will have enough of a majority to retake the union helm of the company and implement what's left of the Nic list, but apparently it's going to take quite some time.
The status quo is really not what we want - we want a raise for both the West and the East - but if the West continues to fight a JC with conditions and restrictions - then the majority of the East is willing to wait and see what happens in the LOA 93 pay issue - and if it is beneficial to the East - and we will be having additional retirements in 2.3 years - then the status quo would be fine.
Also, many of the Captains are now receiving PBGC benefits - so they are also fine with the status quo.
It is in the best interests of the younger "West" guys to convince their PHX rep to have AOL cease and desist with any further legal maneuvers - and instead work together for a JC with C&R. Otherwise - IMHO - it is going to be a very long time before we agree on anything - no less a new contract.
That is the reality -