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US Airways' go-it-alone approach paying off

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Ha! Chipper and his little clan will never get any support for ALPA- keep swimming up stream with that buddy!

I am not a big fan of ALPA and Prater myself. USAPA is crumbling bit by bit and will have to be raplaced sooner or later.

Just a matter of time. Card drive starting soon.
Sure, as long as the rest of the BPR doesn't disagree -- which they will.We can present all the ideas we like. The rest of the BPR will outvote us and end of story. There's a reason why ALPA Merger Policy had the two MECs negotiating as equals.Correct. We are entitled to the Nicolau list and if we don't get it it's DFR II. It's all up to you.

Now seriously, I appreciate that you're at least attempting to sound reasonable. But you're ignoring reality. We played by the rules and the East hasn't. We get that you don't think the Nic is fair but that's the risk you take in binding arbitration. There simply isn't any do-over. You don't get to change the rules in the middle of the game then tell us we're being unreasonable for not going along. You have no right to ignore the Nic and that's why we're in court.

So I guess I've missed all the updates from the BPR meetings of the suggestions or ideas, that your reps have passed as solutions to the seniority issue, raised by their membership out there.

I guess your missing the fact that there are many ways to settle this, and your clan is only willing one way. the NIC award or no way, lawsuits to follow.

How do you know the BPR won't agree, how do you know they will out vote you??? You might be surprised, if level headed ideas come out from the west which contain solutions you guys can live with.....

Just sayin.....
Sorry- not how it works-
the time for making your case and being reasonable was DURING arbitration-
now- you're screwing the entire industry and yourselves by throwing this tantrum.
Sorry- not how it works-
the time for making your case and being reasonable was DURING arbitration-
now- you're screwing the entire industry and yourselves by throwing this tantrum.

You would be throwing a tantrum to if you had 17 years and are put behind someone who was on the property for 3 weeks and on probation.

You would be throwing a tantrum to if you had 17 years and are put behind someone who was on the property for 3 weeks and on probation.

Much as I don't like or care for you, waveflyer bought and paid for his job at southwest much like you did at Gulfstream! He doesn't understand seniority.
So I guess I've missed all the updates from the BPR meetings of the suggestions or ideas, that your reps have passed as solutions to the seniority issue, raised by their membership out there.
Yes, you did miss them. Our reps have offered the Nic and the BPR hasn't budged one pubic hair.
I guess your missing the fact that there are many ways to settle this, and your clan is only willing one way.
Again, you're trying to turn the clock back. Since 2007 when the AAA MEC withdrew from contract negotiations a gun has been held to our heads to make concessions. You can't expect us to be 'reasonable' or to 'offer solutions' when you're extorting us.

Under ALPA the West and East were equals. Under USAPA the West 1/3 and the East is 2/3 of the pilot group. Get it yet?
the NIC award or no way, lawsuits to follow.
Once again, the East filed the first lawsuit. Don't accuse us of being litigious.
How do you know the BPR won't agree, how do you know they will out vote you???
Well, let's see here.
Did we come to an agreement in 2006 before mediation? No.
Did we come to an agreement in 2006 before arbitration? No.
Did we come to an agreement in 2007 when Prater tried to get us to concede in order to "solve" the East's "problem"? No.
Did USAPA try to shove a new list down our throats that grossly benefited the East? Yes!
Did a federal court rule that USAPA violated it's Duty to Fairly Represent the West? Yes!

So after all this you think the BPR will make a 180 and suddenly act with integrity? I can read and I read every update USAPA puts out. A DOH list with ANY C&Rs is DOA to the West because we are entitled to the Nic list. It really is that simple.
You might be surprised, if level headed ideas come out from the west which contain solutions you guys can live with.....
Perhaps you could have a job in USAPA's Propaganda, er, Communications Committee. When you say "level headed ideas" you mean "ideas that still favor the East but perhaps one red pubic hair less than before". Here's a level headed idea for you: honor your commitments. It may hurt but you'll be better person because of it.
not even bothering to read your full response, as it's the same thing over and over.

I guess until the courts PROVE to you, that the NIC isn't the only thing that can be used, we must wait for your lawsuits to run it's course.

And Hey I'm fine with that, I'll enjoy the upward mobility the retirements on the east will give us, and the possible increase in LOA 93 pay.

See we might be on LOA 93 rates, but we all adjusted our lives to live comfortably on that, so it's not a hit upon us I guess, like you think it is. We'll just cruise with what we got, you'll turn the corner eventually.

Oh yeah and your Federal court comment. Uhmmm....didn't his overseers look down upon that federal court judge, and spank him for his actions of carrying forth that lawsuit? YES....hahaha

BTW TWA, are you currently at West or AA or what exacplty you got going??? Hooked onto TWA got swallowed and screwed by AA, found home at AWA and now trying to get a few of those TWA years back by having the NIC implemented?
You would be throwing a tantrum to if you had 17 years and are put behind someone who was on the property for 3 weeks and on probation.


17 years on property? Not TRUE.
17 years on property? Not TRUE.

Wrong again. You skip college. You do not seem very intelligent. Everything you post is garbage.
2005-1988=17 years. No furlough time
Last edited:
Wrong again. You skip college. You do not seem very intelligent. Everything you post is garbage.
2005-1988=17 years. No furlough time

Wrong again. You did skip college! You don't seem very intelligent. Did you take your meds? Your tourettes acting up again?
Everything you post is garbage.
Remember, you don't work for useless airways..............
You wrote it here:

Dude, I do not work for USAir.

Settle down
I guess u bit the bait.


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