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United and Continental Talking....

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United has for the most part just stayed United. CAL on the other hand is a mix of all different backgrounds.

And this is going to make all the difference. When each side hires the best experts they can to crunch the "career expectations" numbers and present them to the neutral party, from what I've seen at CAL, I just don't think CAL can go toe-to-toe with UAL in this scenario and get any kind of a fair deal.

Heck, CAL pilots have had how many changes of leadership (union and otherwise) in the pilot group in the past 10 years? They can't even get it together and stabilized within the pilot group, much less get an equal shake vs management in the last contract, or a fair deal vs UAL ALPA. Just last week a new LEC was voted in at IAH. Nothing is settled at CAL.

UAL ALPA won't be looking for a "fair deal" and they shouldn't. They will come to the table with the most expensive, professional, cut-throat group of dispassionate representatives they can hire to get the absolute most they can. Unless CAL looks at it that way too so that the neutral party can reach a fair compromise, the compromise will be all CAL's.
Percentage integration. Andy, you are at about 93% on the UAL list and I am about 96% on the CAL list, you would be senior. Put up a 5 year fence and call it done!
This will be interesting. CAL has captains right now with DOH junior to UAL pilots still on furlough. So a furloughed UAL pilot gets to come back from furlough to captain? If you're UAL ALPA, yes. If you're CAL ALPA, well, can they fight the inevitable renewal of the "torque" campaign of the early 90s?

I would say that a furloughed pilot isn't currently working for the company and would be put at the bottom of the list and recalled before and additional hiring.

I hope this thing is just smoke and mirrors.
I think this will happen (UAL-CAL) merger.

At least you CAL guys seem more civil about it then the USAir boys back in 2000.

Time will tell I guess?
Just As I Posted 6 Months Ago. And All Said I Was Crazy. I Only Post The Facts!! No Rumors Here! Im In The Know!!!
I know you were'nt speaking for all of us but I have to point it out again.......that you're not speaking for all of us.

:) I only speak for myself.
I know that I'll never be on UALALPA's merger integration committee.
Any seniority integration, should this merge occur, will ultimately be decided by an arbitrator.

Out of every other airline that is a potential dance partner, I think that CAL is the best fit due to minimal route overlap.
:) I only speak for myself.
I know that I'll never be on UALALPA's merger integration committee.
Any seniority integration, should this merge occur, will ultimately be decided by an arbitrator.

Out of every other airline that is a potential dance partner, I think that CAL is the best fit due to minimal route overlap.

Minimal route overlap is the key, since AWA/US was approved because of that. The only CAL conflict I can see is the CLE base, being so close to ORD. But, every merger potential merger has one or two hot spots. Look at CVG for DL. It would likely be gone if we merged with USAir (PIT, PHL close by), NWA (DTW next door), and UAL (ORD next door).

Other than CLE, I think UAL/CAL would be a good fit.

Bye Bye--General Lee
There are are alot of smart people on both merger committees. This is all speculative right now so do not get your nickers in a wad. I personally believe BOTH groups bring much wealth to the table. Because of that very point hopefully as Crokett said there would be civility overall. Unlike the potential lopsided debacle in 2000 aka the US AIR deal.
As has been said before, there are many decent scenerios for integration if a deal comes to pass.


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