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Two people in Aviation with Kids. Does it work?

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I see that FMS is in the process of interviewing over at VA. It all makes sense now. Don't like females having jobs that you can't seem to get? Is that why you seem so anti-female?
I see that FMS is in the process of interviewing over at VA. It all makes sense now. Don't like females having jobs that you can't seem to get? Is that why you seem so anti-female?

Well, the way I see it, there are two pluses to working someplace other than UAL... one, is that there is a bright future and rapid upgrade time. Two is that I don't have to fly with ever 90's era affirmative action captain on the planet! ;)
Yes, and you'll also fly domestic for the rest of your career at what some are comparing to an airline no better than a scab airline. Well done! (and the funniest part is you thought you had the right to criticize Mega and me?!?)

But to keep this in check, at this point, you are currently NOT flying as a employed pilot, correct? It just makes so much sense now why you wanted us not to be employed. For every female working means one less position for unemployed guys like YOU. Truth hurts.

Rez holds his beliefs because that is what they are....his BELIEFS. He believes in his family and wants what he thinks is best for them. You, on the other hand, want all the females out of the business, not for the betterment of their families, but because you want the positions to open up to give yourself a better chance at a career. Tsk-tsk.
Yes, and you'll also fly domestic for the rest of your career at what some are comparing to an airline no better than a scab airline. Well done! (and the funniest part is you thought you had the right to criticize Mega and me?!?)

But to keep this in check, at this point, you are currently NOT flying as a employed pilot, correct? It just makes so much sense now why you wanted us not to be employed. For every female working means one less position for unemployed guys like YOU. Truth hurts.

Rez holds his beliefs because that is what they are....his BELIEFS. He believes in his family and wants what he thinks is best for them. You, on the other hand, want all the females out of the business, not for the betterment of their families, but because you want the positions to open up to give yourself a better chance at a career. Tsk-tsk.

First of been there and done that on the international with the MD-11 at World for a long enough time to know it wasn't my idea of fun. No, I prefer to be home every night with my family which is one of the pluses of the Skybus model and one of the big reasons (besides 5000 stock options and profit share) I am considering it. As for unemployed... I've got real estate investments that I manage and get paid well from and I currently fly contract pilot on the Citation X at $850 per day plus all expenses for two different fortune 500 companies and do so on MY schedule; I wouldn't trade that for UAL.. I have several friends there and not a single one is happy.

Second of all, Scab is not a word you need to be trowing around lightly.. that word has a specific meaning in our profession and you had better learn it's meaning before you use it. UAL's 1st year pay is worse than Skybus, and if you consider the speed of upgrade and the higher pay with that, 2nd year is also higher.. by the 3rd year, I expect them to have significantly higher wages and/or profit share that more than offset the hourly wages, or I will not waste my time on them either... it's a simple risk=return opportunity to be a part of something new and big.. I don't think in hind sight many of us would have taken Southwest back in the late 70's... but who's laughing now?

Thirdly, don't question my "beliefs".. I know what they are, and just because it doesn't fit your Gloria Steinem model of what a woman should be, doesn't make it self serving. I know far too many people that agree 100% with my view to think that I'm some fluke.. But you go on and believe that you're part of the majority just because some stupid internet thread makes you feel better about your life!

Where ever I end up flying, it doesn't matter one bit for me as I've made my money outside aviation and have long since accepted that times have changed. The Dinosaurs called Legacy airlines are just dying a slow death rather than being hit by some giant meteore.

No airline or business model is immuned from the ever changing realities of the world.. and nothing lasts for ever. Those are two facts you can take to the bank.

Peace out!

Fly....he wants to go to Skybus cuz he probably wants to be a captain off the street. I mean, if he HAD to fly with a female captain, God forbid, he might have a heart attack, or better yet, if something went wrong, he would have to "save the day". :laugh:

Whenever I had a problem when I was a captain, I was thanking the good Lord Jesus that I was flying with a MAN.....I mean, I just curled up in a ball, started sucking my thumb and let the "real" pilot handle it.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Mega, you ever had the joy of flying with a pilot who sat in the cockpit and cried after screwing up an ILS? I have. I was absolutely stunned.

She's at AirTran now; have fun with her, guys! :D
Mega, you ever had the joy of flying with a pilot who sat in the cockpit and cried after screwing up an ILS? I have. I was absolutely stunned.

She's at AirTran now; have fun with her, guys! :D

No, but I have had the joy of flying with a cocky pilot who failed upgrade 3 times and called for the "TCAS CHECKLIST!!!!!!!!!!!!" when we lost a R Avionics bus. After I told him politely that, "Um, there is no TCAS checklist, but we have lost the R Avionics bus" after hand flying the airplane (auto pilot was on this bus) and finding the problem myself, he holed up in his little corner and wailed, "Well then, what do you want me to do?" like a little b!tch!

Just sit there and STFU! Don't know where HE is though.

FMS-Speed... do you have any references that a cause factor or contributing cause to an aircraft accident (tranport category would be nice) was caused by lack of physical strength due to the pilot being female?

In addition, your theory is based upon all females being petite 120lbs built. I do believe there are many women that are not petite. In addition, I do believe that there are many men that are 120lbs soaking wet and many female pilots that are in shape and weigh 180lbs.

How should it be?
weight isn't the sole factor.. body fat index, and physiology is also a factor. a 120lb male will have more strength than a equally fit 120lb female, etc..

As for the studies.. I don't have anything that I can give you a link to, but there are a lot of written studies available thru the freedom of information act on the subject locked up in old DOD studies from the 60s and 70s on these subjects that were deemed too politically incorrect for our modern way of thinking..

The fact is, politics will trump reality in this subject. Just ask Cdr. Stumpf (ex-Navy instructor) about women and fighters.. and how the Navy brass covered up all the facts.

Last I heard he flew at Gemini Air Cargo, but he might be at Fedex now..

Anyway, I don't really care what anyone believes here, so I (like Mega) want to bow out of this thread.

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