ukcats said:Your dumbass comment about people south of the Mason-Dixon didn't show much moderation. Before you belittle us southern folk with your confused, biased reteric, go spend the afternoon at the FBO in Teterhole, La Garbage, Providence, (insert any Northeast city). Now, go spend the next day at an FBO in Lexington, Atlanta, or Dallas. Tell me which has the nicest people, surroundings, and service. No contest. I would rather get poked in the eye with a stick than fly to the Northeast. People, service, and facilities are much better in the South. Think before you speak, jackass.
Who looks like more of a jackass? Me for speaking my mind or you for your uneducated response?
I didn't belittle you unless you fall into the category I spoke of. Do you? If not than I wasn't insulting you personally. Rather, I was showing that there are guilty parties on both sides of this debate. I live up north and work down south. I've spent plenty of time in LEX, ATL and Dallas. I don't need you to tell me what it's like. And FYI, I could say the same about the northeast or the midwest.
I'm neither confused nor biased. I'd rather spend time down south drinking sweet tea. That's why I choose to remain working for a southern company (ASA). Southern prople are far more friendly.
I was not putting all southerners down. Just the ones I described.
Thank you for an objective and intelligent response (sarcasm intended). I don't understand how anyone unaquainted with the South could think people down there are ignorant after reading a response like yours. I'm glad most Southerners aren't like you.