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Trouble ahead for Low Cost Carriers???

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Medflyer echos some of my thoughts. LCCs (other than SWA) have attacked legacy carriers more than each other. The result has been a selective cleaning of lush routes & a drop in yields for the legacies. The LCC can make this stand & still make money at it. Doesn't mean the legacy carriers don't have other places to make money.

As for the day & time when LCCs compete against each other. Well, that day is somewhat here but not quite yet. But let me state some of the results. When SWA use to fly into ISP, Spirit flew routinely out of there. They're now gone if I'm not mistaken. Airtran has done well in BWI & I suspect they will continue to do so when they connect to cities that other LCCS don't fly too. At some point will we fly to those other cities, probably but they maybe too small for us to consider going into. As for JB, we overlap very little & they do little shorthaul vs longhaul which allows them to keep their costs down (if SWA could remove the short haul & just do longhaul from its CASM like you'd like to drop Comair, our CASM would be much smaller too but we/you are who/we are).

The question is when the time comes down to LCC fighting among themselves, where will the the legacy carriers be? I suspect they're domestic route structure will look radically different than it does now. Lots of regionals flights into the central hubs connecting to either international flights or transcontential flights on the legacy carriers. LCCs will be flying out of the hubs flying to all the stops the legacy folks use to fly to (under 300 miles up to transcontential). Legacy carriers will survive on their international & long haul & the connections to the regionals that will feed cities most of the LCCs will avoid. JBlue may go to some, other carriers may go to a regional aircraft but who knows.

The time is no where near that LCCs will be in the position where we will be dogfighting each other...there are too many other financial opportunities which permit LCCs to compete & steal legacy business. Maybe in 5 years but that is an eternity in the airline business. One other thing SWA has going for it is the fact we provide something that the business & casual traveler wants....frequency & price. When the other LCCs go somewhere they usually don't provide the frequency & the number of flights out of terminal like we do--usually a minimum of 10-12 flights with rapid increases to even more popular places. This adds efficiency. As another benefit is the normal opening expenses of getting a new station up & running is $1M I've been told. With the excessive number of folks we have, we should not need to hire a single person off the street to fill PHL or any new base for awhile.

You can play the scenario out as you have described but the assumptions are that the other LCCs have no bumps along the way. However, the other LCCs may have significant problems facing them that we don't....rising fuel costs (we've hedged about 75% for next year at around $24-$25) increasing costs on the personnel side as it relates to pay (JB in particularly as each year they are getting closer to their top pay scales, we are at least retiring folks at that level), debt payments. While every airline is facing increases (SWA is not excluded) other carriers have additional ones that we don't have.

So far where we have competed with the LCC, we've remained & have thrived. Often times we don't siphon customers from each other, we've merely allowed more folks the luxury to fly, something that charging through the nose to international destinations doesn't appear to be in the future. I will say without any malice, gouging one segment of your customers to offset losses where they compete against LCCs is a losing proposition. All carriers make marketing decisions on pricing & while one person's gouging is another "fair pricing model", I would argue that even when SWA has an exclusive market somewhere, while the ticket prices might be slightly higher, they'll never be higher than the highest advertised price (quite frankly they are usually much lower). It is an aspect of flying for SWA that I enjoy...we don't try to rob one set of customers to generate profit for the entire airline....a reasonable price on all routes. One has to do what one has to do. (the last portion is only an opinion & not meant to flame but is a philosophical point I would have dealing with if I flew for another carrier :) )
Thanks again for all of the responses. I will repond to each:

Side stick-n,

I do have a lot of drive, and I wish more at Delta had it to. I am an avid aviation watcher and I keep up with all of the news and articles etc...Would it be better for us (the Majors) if we didn't have LCCs? Sure. Do I wish that? No. Not every carrier can take care of every type of passenger. It used to be that the cost concious passneger would fly on Southwest , along with six stops, across the country for a low price. Then you got planes that could fly nonstop, and expanded from there. That was fine with us too, because we had our own type of passenger that wanted the first class seat, flights into larger airports, etc...Then came a couple more LCCs, and more, which was ok until the tech bubble burst. The economy went down hill fast, and 9-11 didn't help matters. Then the internet allowed people to wait until the last minute to buy tickets, which left people at my airline wondering what the loads would be--instead of knowing a month in advance. That was scary, but things are coming back. As the economy rises, so do the fares, and the tight reigns on capacity at the Majors have helped. In the mean time most of the Majors have tightened their belts ( we let 16,000 people go), and created ways to go after the cost concious consumer. (Song, TED etc) Will these ideas work? Song has done very well and is expanding. It takes a while to get a brand name going, but with weather like this Noreaster right now in the NE, people will be flocking to FLA and warmth---and some will go on Song and like it a lot. TED, on the otherhand, will be fighting out of one of their hubs, and may have a harder time gaining meaningful profits--but will still affect Frontier in some ways.

You stated that in some years the LCCs will be the Majors, with the legacy carriers flying mainly INTL. Well, I doubt the legacy carriers will give up their hubs and 1000s of RJs to feed those INTL flights. Delta's mainline domestic feed may eventually consist of Song and Rjs, and that Song product will still be good competition to any of your LCCs. The CASM, as reported by Fred Reid, at Song was near 7.0. Remember that Song 757s have 199 seats, and employees that are paid less, and the flights are longer with the a/c utilization of 13.2 hours a day. Throw in a pilot paycut, and it will lower even more. And, to say that the LCCs costs are not going up is wrong. The longer Jetblue has those planes, the more it will cost in maintenence (unless they had that wonderful deal with Airbus...), and pilot costs--along with other personel will go up. Fuel prices too, even though Southwest has a good hedge program (so does Delta, but probably not as good as SW). (Also, don't we own Iraq now??)

And we both know that the LCCs aren't the only reason that Delta and the other Majors aren't doing that well---it was having 500 airplanes empty right after 9-11, and most of the European flights empty during the Iraq war, etc. But, as those problems go away (for good I hope)--those same planes will start to fillup (like last Summer), and we are expecting better results over this Spring and Summer. We had a great Thanksgiving Holiday---on the last Sun we filled 96% of all of our flights--the best day ever for us. Thanks for responding.


I know you are new (check out the number of my posts---I must not have a life---my wife hates it when I am on the computer), but if you were a regular you would know that I have ALWAYS been an advocate for all of our Delta furloughs, and the other airlines furloughs. I have talked about helping them try to find jobs and I help many of them on my own time. This forum is about bringing out information for possible jobs or about giving information about the industry that could help pilots make up their minds about future employment. I sometimes offer my opinions, and people can do what they want with them. If I post an article or ask a question, it is to get some feedback. That is it.


Come on man, I have been explaining the Song operation to you for a couple weeks now. Here goes one more time quickly: Some people in the big cities want only cheap fares and to go nonstop. We know that. For those people, we would rather put them on a Song 757 (used to be a DL Express 737) and keep them away from our hubs with limited seats. They fly nonstop, we fill our plane, and make some money (with 199 seats). That leaves the same seat open in ATL that that guy was going to take for someone in Peoria, who would fly an RJ through ATL and connect to FLL on one of our 767-400s. That same seat in ATL is now more expensive (or at a premium) because people in Peoria cannot go nonstop to FLL, and have to pay a little more. We charge more for the hub flying, and would rather keep the cheap fares from the large cities on SONG. The flying between the big cities will have the cheapest fares, and the smaller ones will have to fly through the hubs if they want to go somewhere---$$$$$.


You are correct. FLA is not super profitable nonstop from the NE(unless you fill your planes), but through ATL we pack our 767-400s etc with people from many many small towns that will pay extra to get to the beach and warm up. We also have CR7 service to Key West----which is very popular thru ATL, and very full at an expensive price--and no going thru MIA or FLL. (Piedmont used to fly those F28s down there, and Eastern flew a 727-100)

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes:
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LCC Profits

General Lee,

You are hereby demoted to Corporal for having such a feeble rebuttal to my post. After 25 years working for an ALPA carrier I am familiar with negotiating tactics....... All the while you are still bleeding irreplacable assets and net worth while LCC's are chewing you up. No, I don't get my information from Lou Dobbs. I have plenty of time to read, study and manage my finances since retirement. You should try it....reading that is. lol
General Lee said:

I know you are new (check out the number of my posts---I must not have a life---my wife hates it when I am on the computer), but if you were a regular you would know that I have ALWAYS been an advocate for all of our Delta furloughs, and the other airlines furloughs...................

This forum is about bringing out information for possible jobs or about giving information about the industry that could help pilots make up their minds about future employment. I sometimes offer my opinions, and people can do what they want with them. If I post an article or ask a question, it is to get some feedback. That is it................................


Come on man, I have been explaining the Song operation to you for a couple weeks now. Here goes one more time quickly:
Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes:

Quick off topic question for you General.

You appear to have posted close to 1500 posts on this website... and do spend ALOT of time here..... so.... have you contributed to the forum fundraiser?

If not, what is your position on contributing?

Just curious.

I probably should contribute something with all of the time I spend on this site. I will have to go over it with my wife who is in charge of the funds. I do spend quite a lot on the Delta furloughs, not only helping with Cobra payments, but also sponsoring some.

F9 driver,

Thanks for the demotion. I guess you know everything about the airline business also, and I am sure you know that airline management would never ever take advantage of an employee group. Guess what Sarge? We have our own people looking into it. We have our own independant Investment bank, plus analysts that look over the Delta books and determine how much we NEED to give. All that bleeding you are talking about is mostly one time charges, with most of those relating to the Song start up. But, that is all our fault......Yes, we have a debt problem and are willing to help Delta get better access to the capital markets to refinance that debt. Debt is ok as long as you can service it (I read that---in a BOOK!!!!). AOL has over $20 BILLION in debt, but it keeps truckin along. We are trying to get better interests rates, and we will do that with some contributions---which will come. And the pension problem, as I have said 2000 times, is getting better each day the stock market rises along with interest rates. And, the LCCs are now starting to feel the affects of Song on the East Coast. We actually had a plan long before your rival UAL. And just watch, Frontier's tons of profits might start to wane a tad when good ole TED comes to town. Sure, it will hurt UAL too, so both will eat each other up. Enjoy your retirement.

Bye Bye--General Lee;) :rolleyes:
FL717 said:
Quick off topic question for you General.

You appear to have posted close to 1500 posts on this website... and do spend ALOT of time here..... so.... have you contributed to the forum fundraiser?

If not, what is your position on contributing?

Just curious.


I was wondering that same thing myself. I mean, we are all entitled to our opinions and this is a free WWW (sort of) after all but I would think that GL would at least send in ten bucks for usage fees!! :rolleyes:

See ya
Man alive, you guys are rough!!! Hey, I'm the only one among us that seems to be getting an upcoming paycut! Soon, I'll have to get some extra work to pay the bills. I wonder if Chip-n-Dales is hiring????

Bye Bye--General Lee:D ;) :p
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General Lee said:
Man alive, you guys are rough!!! Hey, I'm the only one among us that seems to be getting an upcoming paycut! Soon, I'll have to get some extra work to pay the bills. I wonder if Chip-n-Dales is hiring????

Bye Bye--General Lee:D ;) :p

Rough, heck no! Remember, we JBLU boys are driving industry wages down with our race to the bottom, remember? Maybe we'll moonlight as airplane cleaners in between flights!! :cool: :D

I was just yanking your chain General, no offense intended. I honestly hope that if you DO have to take a cut to save the ship, it's a small one and it is spread among all DL folks. My good buddy (a working ex DLX, now in ATL hanging on to a thread DL guy) was over today for a beer filling me in on the latest.

Good Luck, for real.

C ya

No offense taken. I don't think it will be too bad, and I think we will survive this thing. Tell your friend that if he is still here, then more than likely he will be ok. I hope the other 1060 guys(and you) get to come back soon too---and I think Dalpa will work hard to try to get that done someday. Take care.

Bye Bye--General Lee:rolleyes: ;)
General Lee said:

No offense taken. I don't think it will be too bad, and I think we will survive this thing. Tell your friend that if he is still here, then more than likely he will be ok. I hope the other 1060 guys(and you) get to come back soon too---and I think Dalpa will work hard to try to get that done someday. Take care.

Bye Bye--General Lee:rolleyes: ;)

Yes, my pal is still there but I am a die hard JBU guy and have been since day one. I have never worked for DL, but thanks for the thought.

C ya

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